Chapter 11: The True Lost City of the Jedi

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Daniel devoured the Jedi Library's contents on Ambria. Those close to him knew he was in his element. He possessed an uncanny ability to unearth crucial information. Jack even joked that Daniel might be a Jedi Scribe, but regardless of his methods, he consistently delivered the knowledge they needed. Jack only cared about the results — Daniel got the job done.

A single line in the ancient text sent shivers down his spine. It spoke of the Lost City of the Jedi, a discovery that could rewrite galactic history. But he, a seasoned archaeologist, knew better than to chase every shimmering mirage. Legends often held a dark truth, far from the golden treasures of fairytales. Years, even decades, could be wasted chasing shadows. Still, his fingers danced across the datapad, pulling up every scrap of information on the fabled city. The thrill of the unknown was a powerful lure. "Jack, I don't know how I can discover these things. I wasn't even looking for the first Jedi Knights when I told Sam what I had discovered that day. I don't think I'm this Jedi, you keep telling me, but it would not surprise me. In all that has been happening, I am afraid I will wake up one morning and find it all a dream."

He came across more information that just popped out of nowhere. He found information on a minor ancient city on Yavin 4. There were many of these minor Jedi cities throughout the galaxy and the universe. He found many other materials talking about the history of this city, and how they created the Force. It mentioned a highly technical machine that allowed the Jedi Knights to use special abilities to do small tasks but helped aid them in knowledge. "For these people to record it is a machine, I doubt it is one. These ancient Jedi were clever. They wanted someone to record their history for others to learn, but they didn't give it all away so quickly. There is more to this Force. An entry-level archaeologist could figure that one out. There is more to know — than cold data."

One book he came across had information on the original reason for creating this machine. The first Jedi Knights wanted to keep on learning everything around them. As in anyone, one will reach his or her limits. The Jedi went to all lengths to go far beyond what they were capable of doing. They wanted to keep pushing themselves to do more. One day the Jedi Council realized that they could not reach their goal without the help of advanced technology. They did not design a machine and presto instant results. It took the Jedi several years. "This proves I am correct. What several Jedi told me, they had some very arrogant ancestors. What we have been reading is factual, but they are protecting something. Their written history is more mythology, like parables in the Christian Bible. In what I have been learning from Janet and Cassandra, it did not surprise me... one bit. Samantha is beyond royalty because she always had the heart to help so many in need. It is Sam they are protecting. She is responsible for the Jedi Knights having the Force."


The Christian Bible, like other sacred texts such as the Vedas of Hinduism, was not written or compiled overnight. These texts developed over centuries, shaped by the cultures and spiritual insights of countless generations. Despite this, they are regarded as sacred and protected, often serving as a guide to moral and divine truth. This is also true of the Jedi's teachings and their sacred history.

What I've come to understand, particularly through discussions with Janet and Cassandra, is that while the Jedi's written history may appear factual, it is more layered than it seems. It's a history that has been carefully curated and protected — perhaps because it hides deeper truths or knowledge they wish to preserve. Their narratives, much like the parables in the Christian Bible, are meant to convey more than just facts — they carry symbolic meaning, shaping the way their followers understand their world and their purpose.

What I have learned didn't surprise me at all. The Jedi have, in a sense, been guarding a truth about Samantha — a truth that elevates her beyond the realm of royalty. Samantha is not just a noble figure; she has always had a heart full of compassion, willing to help those in need without hesitation. It is Sam they are protecting, for she holds the key to something far greater: she is responsible for the Jedi Knights' connection to the Force, the very power they wield. This truth is one they must shield, for it could change everything we understand about their history and the Force itself.

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