Chapter 17: New Allies

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When they got to the other side of the wormhole, the place they arrived at... was empty. They had to walk through two rooms of a very large hallway to find a room that had something in it. On the last doorway had a cuneiform script.

 It was Brandon who had to use the Force to translate what it said

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It was Brandon who had to use the Force to translate what it said. He read it out loud to Nomi, "Library of the Akkadians." He had a puzzled look on his face. "That is very interesting. There is a period in Earth's history of a group of people who had the same name."

"It's up to us to read these books and learn what we can from these Akkadians. These people might just be allies of the ancient Jedi since the ancient Jedi are from Earth."

When they walked into the library, they found out it was very large with endless materials to read. He said, "I think we need to call the others over here. We will need help in reading all this."

Nomi said, "All we need is Daniel."

He smiled at her, and they both went back to the Stargate to ask for help.

After they arrived, Hothok stated, "That was quick."

He told them what they found. "We need Daniel and a few other Jedi in this library. The Library is humongous!"

She asked, "What library?"

Nomi told them that Brandon read a sign that stated, "Library of the Akkadians."

Brandon said, "I think this time it was a simple coincidence that we found this library so quickly."

"It's not. You were the one that read the writing. It wasn't for you in reading it, you two wouldn't have entered that place. How long you took to find it isn't the important thing. You two found this library. After we came to your world, we have been reading a great deal about the ancient history of Earth. I, too, am very interested in knowing about these Akkadians," Hothok said.

Master Vodo used the Force to establish a wormhole connection with the Stargate that was in the great city of the Jedi. As expected, there was no one there to greet him. He used the Force to find Sam and the others. After a short walk, he came up to them.

Jack stated, "Don't tell me, Nomi and Brandon have found something important."

He gave out a wide smile and said, "What else?" He told them about what they discovered.

Sam, Emily, and Ben gathered their belongings and went back to the SGC. When they all arrived, Master Vodo said, "I'll stay here at the SGC until I'm needed elsewhere. Please keep us informed on your progress."

She assured him they would. If these Akkadians are friends of the ancient Jedi, then what we find in this library can be very helpful to us. After Daniel gathered all the equipment he would need, General Davis, commanded, "Dial in the destination."

After the Stargate established the wormhole, everyone went through. Hearing the Stargate dialing on their end, Hothok was the one that greeted them and escorted them to the library. When they all entered, Sam asked, "What have you three found out so far?"

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