The Perfect Place

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Let's see...

An apartment? Nah, have to deal with with too many people already. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a somewhat shy voice above me on the bridge I was walking under asking someone out. That someone turned out to be little Hyoudou and the other person was a fallen angel? Oh this seems interesting.

Wanting to get a better look I casually walked up the stairs as Hyoudou acknowledges her feelings and responds in confirmation. Oh she has quite a cute get up going on, although it's useless as I can see her real form despite the shape-shifting ordeal.

... Isn't she a bit old to ask a highschooler out? I mean I know age shouldn't matter but even so woman, the guys half your age you know? Easy there cougar.

"Ah, I thought it was you I heard Mr Hyoudou." I called out to him from behind the fallen one as I made my way over to them. Wanting to know who this melodic voice belong to, she turned around only to raise her one brow in confusion at what she saw. I can understand that, it's not everyday you see someone trying to cover their face.

"Kami-Sensei?! The boy asked in surprise, not expecting me to appear out of the blue like that.

" Sorry for the interruption, I was curious as to what kind of girl would be asking you out on a bridge at this time. Well regardless, congratulations Mr Hyoudou, remember do be respectful to the 'young' lady."I gave her a side glance as I talked about her youth, not that she noticed but I could see a noticeable twitch of her eye as I walked passed them, waving at them goodbye. Wonder where the devil kitty went just now though?

" Of course Kami-Sensei! See you tomorrow at school, have a nice evening !" He yelled and I waved back without turning around to show I heard him.

Now onto my current problem again, what about a house? Nah, neighbors and the people in the street would be annoying. Then what?

Looking around in search for an idea I slowly looked toward the mountain I 'spawned' from. Instantly an idea had formed as I hastily made my way there again. Upon arrival I momentarily stood still in a bit of shock, why? I was looking at a extraordinary traditional Japanese Villa that I knew for a fact wasn't there this morning.

As if to answer my question how this happened, a white haired and fox ears, well endowed, simply gorgeous woman walked out with a beaming smile on her pretty face to greet me. Wearing a white Yukata with complex and illusive patterns, a foxy tail slowly swaying at the back I came to a realization before she even spoke.

"Welcome home master!~" She bowed gracefully, her assets pressing a bit hard against the fabric, exposing them somewhat but not much, but still enough to take notice of. Her voice was mature but kinda cute as well. I mean I know I gave it free will and power comparable to a low deity, but what's up with this?

".... Good to be home... Halona..." I decided to name her then and there which she seemed to appreciate as her tail started to sway vigorously in happiness. I was a bit at a lost for words as I patted her head, my hand had moved on its own. She definitely wasn't complaining as her smile became even more joyful and her tail making a sound in the wind from how fast it was she was swaying it.

Leaving that aside I decided to enter the house as I took off both my shoes and my mask with the sunglasses. I twinkled my nose a bit from the feeling of having it off at last as I open the door. Gotta say, she did a swell job in creating this home, the floor was laid with tatami mats, the doors were sliding doors, there was a Kotatsu in the living room with a tea set on it, a few spare rooms to store something or do something with. I guess she focused on the essential and wanted to leave an extras for me, which I'm grateful for. The bathroom was luxurious to say the least, the bath look like a natural hot spring, there even plenty of rocks to make it look more like the actual thing.

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