A Commotion Caused By The White Fox

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Well this was troubling.

I had expected many reactions but wasn't this a bit overboard? I quickly shook her awake before she stays out cold for the duration of break and miss class.

As she came to she looked at me confused and dazed for a moment before blushing a crimson shade of red much like the Gregory's hair.

"It's a bit rude to pass out like that when someone shows you their face you know? What am I suppose to think about that?" I decided to tease her for it.

She brought the notebook up to her face hiding behind it.

"S-s-s-sensei's too handsome!" She blurted out, sounding even more embarrassed as he tone went slightly higher.

It was the first time for me to see such a reaction and I found it a bit cute. The poor girl refused to look at me due to her embarrassment and seemingly out of unwillingness. What were her thoughts right now? Having had enough of this cute reaction I reached over and took her shield of embarrassment I mean her notebook.

"Not gonna draw me anymore miss Hibari?" I smiled slightly at her and she averted her gaze, her cheeks reddening once again.

"M-my ability is t-too low for this." She said still not looking at me.

Aren't you undermining your own talent?

I felt like asking this but I felt that isn't the case. She seemed to have honestly evaluated the chance of this but came to this conclusion, she knew her strengths and weaknesses properly when it came to this it seems.

"I'm not always gonna have my mask off so you might not get another chance like this in the future, are you certain about this?" I looked directly at her and said this in order for her to understand that this might be her only chance.

She looked at the ground in deep thought about this as I kept quiet to let her come to a decision. My phone rang at this moment.

There was only one person who had my number as of now so I knew who it was without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello Halona."

"Kami.. could we meet up real quick, I want to talk.." On her side of the phone she was playing with her hair as she looked at the picture that we took together yesterday. Naturally I didn't know this.

"Aren't we talking to each other right now though?" I asked in confusion.

"In person. I wanna talk with you in person." She said clearing my confusion. I smiled slightly and was about to reply before another voice interrupted.

"Kami-Sensei... Could I perhaps have your picture?" Hibari suddenly asked, not noticing I was on the phone.

"Well I guess that wouldn't be a problem really, just don't go around showing it alright?" I agreed to it with that condition as I felt that there really wasn't a problem. She then proceeded to take out her phone as I smiled a bit for the picture. She blushed again but still took the picture with a happy expression.

" Kami...what's that about?.." I heard Halona ask over the phone with her voice sounding really low... it felt ominous. Not wanting to lie to her I decided to tell her about it.

"Ah, one of my students is an excellent artist and had won a little challenge I proposed a before the weekend. The student who could remove my sunglasses would get to see my face, miss Hibari here had won by drawing me without them on today as she had seen me without them before." I gave the explanation up to that point before finishing with what currently happened." Miss Hibari felt that her talent was insufficient currently to draw my face after showing her and then proceeded to ask for a picture so she could possibly try in the future I presume."

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