It's Innocent, Isn't it?

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After a few short minutes to gather the body the necessary energy I stood again only to still feel some numbness to my crotch which truly baffled me, she had actually ridden this body so hard that even now its not completely restored.

A thought came to mind then, had she been so pent up for years? I get that she wanted to express her desire to be with me, but how long has she held it in for? Even as she sat there smiling sweetly at everyone I could still feel a strong intention to pin me down and dry this body to the bone...

There was a noticeable tense pressure in the room with Halona, Helvynia and Nebula staring at one another, Halona and Helvynia looking at Nebula with narrowed eyes, making them look like they're pouting to Kami, whilst Nebula just kept smiling sweetly without any care. After all, it was because these two and the little human that Kami became more open toward her, granting this opportunity for her even though she was desiring more of that act of intimacy that brought her closer to him.

"Thank you." Nebula softly said toward the two, both loosening their expressions feeling helpless about it and just accepted it. She was an existence above Kami after all and had been in pursuit of him much longer than them, so they sighed momentarily before returning a smile of their own.

"Umm.." Asia on the side looked on innocently before slowly coming to a realization and blushed, her thoughts already portraying the household in general "Another mother...father really has no bounds." As she thought this, she couldn't help but look toward Kami, who had noticed her movement, looked to her as well and gave her a soft smile. Her face reddened further upon looking at his handsome face as well as his smile, her thoughts derailing upon another thought.

"Am I next?!...but its too soon father" Obviously her mind was in the gutter at this point.

"Hm?" I tilt my head slightly in wonder, one moment she was looking on innocently and the next she turned so red in the face after looking at me for a moment. I shook my head not minding it since she seamed okay and then spoke up.

"As nice of a place this is, how about we get home? It's getting late and I'm sure Asia would like to get home as well, tomorrow I'll be spending time with her." I stated as I walked over to her with a smile and gently held my hand on her opposite shoulder as I stood next to her.

There was a moment of silence before Halona, Helvynia and the Nebula turned toward us, their faces slightly resisting the urge to frown. They had just been discussing how they would be playing-..spending time with Kami and then he said so all of a sudden, which made them believe he heard them even though they had secretly used magic to omit those parts. Kami did in fact hear them even if they casted magic, he is magic after all, but it truly was something he already decided before their discussion so it was purely coincidental.

Asia on the other hand was in a total mess. Her face had become an even darker shade of red, but she kept calm by softly biting her lip, her thoughts frantic and heart beating a bit faster with each passing thought on what he could mean by spending time with her. The other women of course had taken notice toward her sudden change whereas Kami was looking at them smilingly, oblivious to Asia's current state. The girls gave side-long glances at each other before nodding at one another, their thoughts in sync.

"Then let us go, I have a wonderful dinner planned for tonight." Halona smiled as she was the first to teleport out before Helvynia followed a moment after, Nebula looked on at Kami and Asia before smiling softly again and then followed already knowing where the home is.

"Well then let's go Asia" I said taking her small delicate hand.

"Wait...f-father, we really don't have to spend time together tomorrow. We could always do it on another day..." She was quivering slightly at would could happen tomorrow, she was mostly against the idea but couldn't help but feel slightly expectant.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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