She's Really Trying To Consume Me?!

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Once again, I was thrust into a dreamlike realm where there were even more baby fox's/Kits around. The number had multiplied insanely compared to the first time. There were only around five before, but now the number had escalated to a whopping hundred.

I wonder what influenced this drastic change. Was it perhaps connected to her happiness or something?

I was pulled out of that realm rather earlier than last time, so I blinked a few times as I opened my eyes only to be met with darkness. I turned my head to the left to the digital clock that stood on a stand next to the bed and it wasn't even midnight yet, just quarter to midnight.

I felt movement next to me and turned to look at Halona next to me as she got up and walked out of the room. Must be heading to the toilet.

There was this chirping sound that came from her side of the bed on that stand, the sound coming from her phone. I reached over to it as I unlocked it out of curiosity, the notification was of a game called Toram Online, but that's not what caught my attention.

It was her wallpaper.

It was a picture of us in that moment she had eagerly and quite hungerly I might add, that she had kissed me. How and when did she even get the time and moment to do this?!

It's not that I minded this, but I'm still curious as to how. I heard the toilet flush and decided to just leave this matter for another time as I placed her phone back on the counter. A short few seconds later Halona came into the room again, but she stood by the door watching me.

I turned my head to her as I watched her in silence as well, our eyes locked onto one another. For some reason my eyes slowly started to look down, taking in full view of her seemingly perfect proportioned body. Her skin was looked smooth to the touch, which I can vouch for was, slightly pale but not much, her breasts were a perfect blend of being slightly big but still enough to hold with in your hands and then there'd still be a bit more meat. She had such a slender waist that I could imagine would be quite nice to wrap your arms around, her hips a bit wide, but not too much as it formed almost well with her heart shaped butt. From there on were her slender, smooth legs with seemingly perfect thighs that held my gaze the longest for some reason and then there were small feet that also looked quite beautiful.

Never had my attention been drawn so fully to her body until now and she had noticed this, but said nothing and simply grinned as she let me continue ogling her. There was a Subtle flash of pink in her deep dark blue eyes as she slowly walked on over to me, her hips swaying which got me looking back down to her thighs again for a few moments then look back up at her.

"Like what you see?" She asked, her tone sounded a bit laced with a pur.

"You're too beautiful not to appreciate it. I fully admit that I can't find it in me to deny that I feel like I want to keep on looking at you." I gave an honest response, there was a moment of silence so I looked at her face and saw her cheeks going red a bit. She began smiling, which made her seem more beautiful and slowly straddled me.

Wait, what's with this all of a sudden? She had firmly planted herself onto my waist, her legs locking her into place as she sat directly on top where I felt like it was dangerous to do so.

"You say such sweet things to me you know?" She began as I felt a finger rubbing up slowly on my abbs that slowly trailed up to my chest, then she placed her hand fully onto it as she leaned down a bit toward me with her face to mine.

The scent of something sweet instantly bombarded into my nose. It was a bit of an addictive scent.

"Really?" Was somehow the only question that came out of my mouth as I was too busy enjoying the sweet scent while looking into her eyes.

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