Punishing A God

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Slowly opening my eyes that felt a bit heavy, I was greeted by possibly the most annoying thing that could greet me in the morning. The sun shining through the open window right into my face and the massive headache right after wasn't helping at all.

I wanted to hold my hand in front of me to block the light as well as rub my head, but I couldn't move. My arms felt like they were tied behind my back by something cold and metallic, worst of all I could feel it sealing off my magical energy.

With much annoyance, I opened my eyes to take a look around and felt confused when I saw that this was in fact my room. This had me staring up at the ceiling as I tried to remember what happened last night, then remembered that it all went black just after seeing the long silky white-silver hair....

I sat up with a start, much to the dismay of my aching head and looked right at creepily calm looking Helona that sat on a chair across from the bed, one leg over the other as she wore what looked like black skinny jeans, a pair of black boots that reached her calves and a white crop top that showed her bare shoulders as well as some of her flat and slightly toned stomach. She had her arms crossed just under her chest, which in my opinion made them look slightly bigger, her finger slowly tapping on her arm in a rhythm.

The fact that she still hadn't said anything was somewhat unnerving.

"G-good morning Helona.." I felt that saying Dear or something like that right now wouldn't help with the situation.

"Good Afternoon Kami." There was a sharp edge to her voice, she sounded a bit cold as well. Wait, did she just say afternoon?

"Yes it really is in the afternoon now, you've been out for hours already. I had asked Asia to go spend time with her friends instead as you wouldn't be able to spend the day with her." She then switched the position of her legs so that her right leg was over her left leg. I couldn't help but find her really attractive like this despite the tone and look in her eyes.

"I see..." I really had no idea what to say at this moment.

We both just sat there and stared at each other for what felt like quite a while. I had no idea what she was thinking, but I could tell it was about many things as her eyes seemed to get colder sometimes and warmer the next, constantly rotating like that.

The good thing was that my headache had at least gone away. Looking behind me, I could make out the black metallic cold thing that kept my arms bound behind my back, it was cuffs. These were actually really thick compared to normal ones and looked like they weighed quite a lot, not that I could feel it though. There were what seemed to be Runes as well as many other magic symbols etched into this thing.

"Neat isn't it? It actually took me a few months to create in a pocket dimension where time ran faster than it did here. Those are made to seal off your power for an entire week, the best it could do. It doesn't matter though as that's all the time I'd need."She looked quite proud of herself when she explained the cuffs. To think she would waste so much time just to render me immobile, I didn't know whether to praise her or be disappointed.

I know I never told her this and I was probably right in doing so considering the situation, the truth is that she actually had the ability to do it herself without the cuffs. I had accidentally given her the power to do so during the night when rap-forcefully made crazy love with me. I had bitten her on her succulent soft thigh and without thinking it through, transfered the ability onto the mark which made a small tattoo of a cluster of stars. Whether she took notice of it or not I have no idea, but I didn't remove it as I felt it would be interesting to see how she would handle it.

Although I say sealed, but my power technically can't be sealed as I'm still connected to basically everywhere. She'll be the conduit that my power runs through in a sealed state, giving her a few minutes of what it felt like to wield power beyond what she ever could. In time I would tell her, but right now there were more pressing matters.

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