Sensei's Scent

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I was relatively in a really great mood to say the least and it was quite obvious as to why.

Turning into the school gate I immediately dodged as someone made a grab for me, the tripped the person behind that person who tripped onto the first person. Well what do you know, it was little Hyoudou's friends. The bold one that looks like some budha, then the one with glasses that has superb deduction abilities.

They looked surprised for a moment before looking up in unison.

"Oh sorry Kami-Sensei, we thought it was Issei that came through the gate." Motohama quickly explained.

"I see... but that doesn't explain why you'd think I was Hyoudou. Well whatever, just get a move on." I walked passed them only for the students to stare. Right, the sunglasses.

I ignored them as I made my way to the faculty office for a morning meet and greet with the other teachers. The students seemed a bit mesmerized by my dark yellow eyes as I walk past them down the hall. Entering the faculty office, I'm also greeted with the same scene as outside.

There was a bit of a difference though soon enough as I saw their noses twitching a bit, some frowned a bit while the others looked on curiously at me.

"Kami-Sensei, not to be rude or anything, but you smell quite feminine today." The homeroom teacher of little Hyoudou decides to be the one to inform me, I tilted my head at her in confusion. Her name was Ami Fujushiki if I remembered right. The way I had tilted my head exposed the mark on my neck that still looked to be fresh.

The room went went completely silent.

There was a tnge of red on the females cheeks as they saw the mark whereas the guys were smiling a bit with a light chuckle. They could now tell as to why such a smell came from me, but this had gotten them curious as to what I look like.

"Kami-Sensei, we've all been getting along these past few days, why don't you let us see your face?" The School PE teacher, Zerec Coleman asked, he was a teacher from overseas.

"I don't know..." I said hesitantly, I didnt want to cause trouble.

"We're all adults here Kami-Sensei, we won't discriminate or anything if you suffer from injuries or from a disability." Ami pressed which got the other teacher nodding in unison, they were no longer children, but knowing how old I kinda makes them seem like it to me.

"Well then, let's see if you can act like one." I said with a sigh, some of the teachers got a bit angry at this, but once I had pulled down the mask, they nearly had their eyes bulging out.

The silence returned to the room.

There was a range of different looks in the room, starting from sheer surprise, to dismay and then some even with a tad bit of lust. At this moment, the principal walked in.

"Ah, just the person I wanted to see." The principal said toward me and as I turned his way, he stopped in his tracks. You just gonna keep staring like that?

"Something I can help you with principle?" I enquired since he was just standing there and staring.

".. Ah, yes." He shook his head out of his stupor, but there was a noticeable frown on his face. "The school board has asked that you please no longer wear that." He pointed to the mask. "They do not like the example you're setting for the students. There's also news of another teacher joining us soon so please treat them well." With that said, he left.

Well now this is a problem. I can tell this was the devils doing, but since they want to play it like that I'll join the game. They should just be ready when I bite back.

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