Millions Of Years Too Young

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Waiting for a fill five minutes for them to stop, I lazily looked up at the sky, wondering how it's going with little Hyoudou and his group.

"Who the hell are you?! Are you looking for a quick death?!" One of the crows spewed after his intense vomit session. I like calling them crows so I'll be sticking to that.

"Well no actually, I've got plenty of things I still want to do and watch. So shall we get this started?" I waved lazily at them to come and so they did.

The sky was filled with spears of light the next moment. Hundreds of spears were thrown to me, I waited until they were close enough till I waved my hand and made them all shatter, it looked like pixie dust falling. They all looked in disbelief before the first batch of around twenty crows advanced toward me, first they threw light spears again, which I batted away again with a wave of my hand. I just realized I don't even know hand to hand combat, nor any other form of combat. Even though I've been watching many fights I wouldn't know how to move my body accordingly, guess I'll just wing it.

Three of the crows came in with light swords this time from the front, they swung at the same time, intending on cutting to bits. Well that doesn't seem fun so I jumped back a meter out of their range, missing the blades then sprung forward and did a spinning kick. The kick connected the first crow on the right, his body exploded into pieces as the shockwave pinned the other two together, both flying at a fast sped to the left and connected with a rock and turned into paste. I was immediately attack by the other eighteen men that threw light spears again as they advanced to me. Well since it was a hassle to keep destroying them I set up a barrier that made the spears dissolve as if falling into a pond with a ripple effect. Gathering some energy into my hands I clapped them together, the crows were a bit confused by this for a moment before they all suddenly compressed into each other, becoming a big ball of body parts squashed together.

Picking up that ball, I then threw it hard at the left side of their army which made the ball increase in size as it squashed some and blew other to bits, about thirty by the looks of it. Without pause, I dashed at them and arrived instantaneously in front of the first guy in the front, he was so surprised he didn't even register it for a moment. I brought my hand forward as I gave a flick into his chest, the amount of magic I placed in this single finger would make the Satans gulp. The poor crow didn't know what happened till his entire chest imploded as well as everyone behind this guy in a single line. Of course some of them managed to dodge but either lost limb or had gaping holes in their body.

There seemed to be noticeable fear on all their faces as they either tried to attack or escape.

"Sorry lads, there's just no way I can let you guys go, besides we're having so much fun!" I gave a hearty laugh as I snapped my fingers, making the area a no leave zone which disabled their magic teleportation circles as well as trapped them here with me.

With no other choice they starting rushing at me in groups from all sides.

I created a a whip sword that could extend and retract that was made out of dark matter, nifty right? I swung it around in circles above my head and as they drew near I lashed out at the group in front, tearing their limbs off as well as bisecting most of them. Spinning around in a circle I plowed through those groups as well.

The ground was littered with blood, guts and feathers. This reminded me of the great war they had some time ago, only it was littered with one race and not the other as well. I turned to look at the remaining two hundred that were organizing themselves on how to go about attacking me.

"I can't believe a brat is capable of all this, shouldn't you be studying in school or off playing with your girlfriend? Although you lasted this long, we'll still kill you in the end."

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