Moments Of Bliss

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It was Thursday today, a few days after that little skirmish. I had the Gremory devil get transfer papers for Asia so she could start attending the school today.

This morning I had opened my eyes and found myself in a different position than usual. I was laying on my side facing Halona, my left arm held her close by her lower back, the hand holding her side that she was laying on, my other arm was still being used as a pillow while our legs were intertwined and I had my chin against the top of her head. I could feel her slow, stead and soft breath against my collarbone as she was still sleeping.

The scent of coconut that came from her white-silver hair was so nice I couldn't help but press my nose softly against it and breath in some more of it. We hadn't done anything 'sensual' last night, which didn't bother either of us, but Halona did get a little rough again by making another mark on the same spot after it properly healed up.

I didn't mind it of course, but I did feel a need for a little payback so I had bit down on her neck, the other side opposite to mine as I too made a lasting mark. She had even moaned out in ecstasy during the process, claiming it to be a really great feeling of being the one on the receiving end of such pain. I would be lying if I said I didn't find that quite sexy.

I felt my thinking deteriorate a bit thanks to that, but regained myself quickly.

With my left hand I slowly rubbed Halona's back, a bit disappointing with the fabric of her nightgown blocking the contact with her skin, but nonetheless a great feeling. She stirred slowly as she woke up, her eyes unfocused for a few moments before she slowly looked up at my face while I looked down at hers.

"Good morning Halona."

"Good morning Kami."

We went silent as we simply stared into each other's eyes. If I were being honest the feeling felt so right in doing this that I felt like I could keep doing this for hours.

It confused me as to why I felt and acted like this. Halona seemed to know exactly as to what this is, but I didn't want to ask her, it felt like I was the one who was suppose to figure this out.

Halona swoly inched closer and softly pressed her peachy lips against mine, giving me slow, but deep kiss. Naturally I followed along with her as I returned the kiss. I felt a sense of bliss during this kiss, a feeling that had become even stronger over time each time Halona took the chance to kiss me.

After the kiss she nuzzled into my neck with a soft giggle and a happy smile. Honestly, this had my supernatural heart beat fast for a moment.

There was a knock on the door as Asia then opened it with a cheerful smile blooming on her face. This cheery girl had been living with us for a few days now and had settled in quite nicely. She and Halona had went to the shops in order to purchase new things for her since she came with so little.

They had done this during the time I was working and had bought things ranging from clothing to accessories, even decorations and I had Halona purchase a new dining table after what she did with the other one.

"Good morning Kami, Halona." Asia smiled sweetly then blushed a bit at the position we were in, I think I heard her mutter something about wanting to do the same with little Hyoudou.

"Good morning Asia." Both me and Halona returned the greeting as we got up and followed her out and down the hall to the dining room. The scent of bacon and eggs wafted around in the hall and the dining room, we soon sat down to eat breakfast together.

"So, are you ready for your first day Asia?" I asked her as today she would be coming along with me to Kuoh Academy for her first day.

"I'm a little nervous, but I'm definitely looking forward to it. I hope I can make lots of friends." She gave another sweet smile at the thought of it.

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