Where are They?!

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As soon as the bus stopped in Hawkins, the party shoved everyone out of the way and rushed out of the bus. They ran through the town to look for their friends, but they immediately noticed something. Hawkins looked more quiet than usual; the streets were empty and all the lights were out in the houses and stores. It scared them even more, especially El because of what she saw in her vision.

El turned to the others when they were all in the middle of the street. "We need to stock up on supplies and then find the others. I know where to go. Follow me," she ordered everyone. Then she started running off, everyone else behind her, and they ended up at the hunting store.

"Get some weapons here and then we'll go to the other location," El ordered. She then unlocked the closed door with her mind and they all walked in. Nancy, Jonathan, and Kali went to go grab some guns, Reyna, Keelan, and Delilah grabbed a lot of bullet packs, and Max, Lucas, Will, and Mike got some matches. 

The group then followed El to a second location that she had thought of. There they stood in front of Bradley's Big Buy, the store that El remembered as the one she stole Eggos from. She started walking up to the door before she got stopped by a voice.

"El, if you're only here to get Eggos, I'm going to punch you," Max warned, sounding confused as to why they were at the store when it was closed.

"I'm here to not get Eggos. Since it's closed, we can use it as a hideaway for now. We need to find the others now," El explained. She then walked up to the door and opened it with her powers. "Someone find me a type of blindfold and hurry!"

Everyone then rushed around the store in order to look for a blindfold. No one could find one as they looked around, but then Mike got an idea. He saw an American flag from the Fourth of July section and picked it up. He folded it into a size of a blindfold and handed it to El, who was eating some Eggos she found.

"Don't tell Max I'm eating Eggos on the job," she said in a quiet voice as she took the blindfold.

Mike nodded at his girlfriend. "I'll get the others," he said before walking off to find everyone else. He came back with everyone as El started putting on her makeshift blindfold.

 "Stay quiet," she ordered before going into the void. 

El opened her eyes and saw the darkness all around her. She turned her head around and saw familiar faces. She slowly walked closer and saw that it was the unconscious bodies of Steve, Dustin, Cat, Jordan, Ryder, Heather, Damien, and Steve's co-worker. After realizing it was them, she screamed and covered her mouth, now even more terrified for them. That was when she heard two people laughing and saw Evelyn with another girl. El glared at them, knowing that they had done this to her friends.

Then it looked like the two girls noticed something. "Wait, where's that little girl we caught?" Evelyn said, confused. El was also confused, not knowing any little girls. "Shit! At least she isn't one of the ones who has powers," the redhead cursed out loud.

"She's a little girl anyway, she's too stupid to do anything," the other girl added in. Then she turned to face someone who El couldn't see. "Billy? How's that rat bite doing, sweetie?" She asked. 

El's eyes widened. She recognized that name. Billy then appeared on the scene, looking like he was in pain and grasping his arm. "What the hell did you bitches do to me?!" He yelled, sounding terrified. El walked closer and saw that there was a bite on his arm, but it wasn't a normal kind of bite. 

"Only something that can't be fixed," Evelyn said. "Don't worry, Billy. The pain will be over soon and you'll be the one to kill these fools. For now, let's go open that gate." She and the other girl walked off as Billy collapsed on his knees in pain.

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