Take Off

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El and Mike froze in their path once they saw a monster in front of them. El immediately took action by pinning the monster against the wall, yelling for Mike to go as she held it back. Once Mike was far enough, she backed up and ran along with him, releasing the monster. The two rushed out of the lab as roars from several monsters could be heard behind them.

Another monster appeared in their path, causing for Mike to hurl it into a tree. He took El's hand and they ran as fast as they could into the woods. They ducked behind some trees to catch their breaths, hiding from the monsters.

"What do we do?" El asked, worried. "We might not get there in time!"

Mike furrowed his eyebrows at her. "What do you mean we won't make it back in time?" He asked, dreading the answer.

"They're taking all of us to space tonight."


"El and Mike went WHERE?!" Hopper yelled, furious.

Dustin and Lucas had accidentally blabbed to the police chief that Mike and El had left the base. Max had her head in her hands in disappointment and Will shook his head. The redhead then went over and smacked the two boys in the back of the head.

"Ow Max!" Dustin cried out.

"Why?!" Lucas said, rubbing his head.

"You guys had one job. ONE. JOB," Max said, holding up a finger.

"Okay let's just calm down here-" Will said before being cut off by Hopper.

"No I'm not going to calm down!" Hopper said. "My daughter and Wheeler are out there when I specifically said to not do anything! And you are letting two of the clones that caused all of this to wander around free?!"

Will held his hands up in surrender. "To be fair, Delilah read their minds and saw that they were being honest. Quinn manipulated them and they just want to make things right. That's all," he explained.

Hopper sighed and rubbed his forehead, trying to calm down. "Where did they go?" He asked the four kids.

"To the lab," Max answered. "We found out that there was a cure being made in case those clones got infected. So Mike and El went to go get it before we have to go to space."

"There's a problem with that. We are going to space tonight."


"Tonight?!" Reyna exclaimed.

Delilah nodded in response. She, Reyna, Keelan, Ryder, Jordan, Heather, Damien, Evelyn, and Grayson went to go check what was happening with the space ordeal. Delilah had read the minds of the soldiers to find out the important information and relayed it to the others, shocking all of them.

"Yup, which means that Mike and El better hurry," Delilah said.

"Well shit," Jordan said. "They should've been back by now though, right? Where could they even be?"

"Maybe they're having trouble finding the room the cure is in?" Ryder said. "I don't know, I'm trying to look on the bright side here!"

"If they ran into any monsters, they should be able to handle it," Evelyn said. "I share Eleven's DNA, so I know how powerful she is. And if Mike has the same powers, then they can double their powers."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Heather asked, confused.

"If two people who share the same powers fight together, it increases the effects," Grayson explained. "Since Eleven was the most powerful experiment in the lab, and Mike has a bond with her, combining those powers would be unstoppable."

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