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5 Years Later

It had been five years since the Upside Down spread to Earth and everyone went to space. Five years since Mike and El died, defending everyone and helping them escape. The party had never gotten over their deaths and continued to mourn them as friends and as heroes.

Max's relationship with Lucas had only grown stronger through the past few years. They stopped messing around with each other and focused more on themselves and each other. Now that they were older, they were more serious in their relationship and they realized how much they cared for each other.

Joyce and Hopper had gotten together, got married, and had a baby girl named Jane after two years, named after El. When she was born, everyone cried because they remembered their friends and wished that they were there with them at that moment. El would've loved to have a baby sister to play with and hang out with.

Keelan and Delilah were going strong as well. They helped train each other to become stronger with their powers and deeply cared for one another. Ryder was upset when he had heard of their relationship because he also liked Keelan, but shoved it aside. He was just happy that she was happy with someone she loved.

Steve and Robin got together two years ago. It was all a part of Dustin and Erica scheming together to get them to admit their feelings. Steve was angry at the two kids, but grateful because it was when he realized that Robin liked him back. They still continue to scold Dustin and Erica as if they adopted the two kids, which Steve attempted to do at one point.

Nancy and Jonathan had gotten married after three years of being in space. Nancy was now expecting a baby and was five months in. They were a happy couple, but it took Nancy a while to accept the loss of her brother. Jonathan had helped her all the way through it and she was forever grateful for him.

Will and Grayson got together as well and were a strong couple. It took a while for Grayson to accept what he had done, costing two of Will's best friends to die, but Will forgave him for it, boosting up his confidence. They shared their first kiss after that and were together ever since.

Evelyn has kept trying to get Dustin to forgive her, but he never could. He admitted that he still had feelings for her, but didn't want to forgive her for what she had done. She betrayed him and everyone else to destroy the world, but later decided that what she did wasn't okay. He didn't know if he could buy it or not, even after Delilah had read her mind.

Heather and Damien also got married after Nancy and Jonathan did. Heather was also currently pregnant, but only two months pregnant with twins. They were a happy couple and serious in their relationship.

Reyna, Cat, and Jordan were still single, but Cat and Jordan like to flirt with one another once in a while. They just never showed any attempts of asking the other out. Reyna wasn't flirting with anyone at all, but instead just having fun and hanging out with friends. She was also looking through science textbooks to try and find a way to create a new cure, but nothing was working and she could never figure out the formulas.

Quinn, Ezra, and Shawn were still locked up in the ship, but made no signs to revolt. They had completed their mission and were satisfied from their. The party had also forced the soldiers to not kill them because they didn't want to stoop to the clones's levels. Instead, they made restraints for them to keep them from using their powers. Delilah was also unable to find any formulas in Ezra and Shawn's mind because they made sure to forget it.

Everything seemed to be normal. At least, until now.

Reyna was sitting by the window with Max, both reading textbooks and equations to figure out how to make the cure. That was when the unexpected happened. Reyna looked out the window to look at the Earth, and saw it.

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