The one night stand

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"Hey Sam!" I yelled. "WHAT ! IM PLAYING FORTNITE!" Sam was always a gamer. Me and Sam met in highschool and haven't been too far apart from each other ever since. "I KNOW A BAR A COUPLE MILES AWAY FROM HERE AND I KNOW THE BOUNCER THERE LETS UNDER AGED KIDS GO IN! YOU WANNA GO?!" I was only 16 at the time and really wanted to go to the bar.
With Sam it's never really getting ready, it's two games of fortnite, six pizza roles, and a trip to the bathroom. He takes forever.
"HURRY UP!" I say impaitently
as Sam starts heading down the stairs.
He's wearing black skinny jeans and and xplr shirt. "
"You ready?" I ask
"Hell yeah!" Sam answers with ease. We get into my car and drive off.
When we got there, there was a bouncer in front of the door and a few girls had just went in. We walked over and he just let us walk in with no problem. We head over to the bar and order a few drinks and before we knew it, we were wasted.
"Woah!" Sam said in awe
"What?" I answer annoyed for no reason.
"Look at those girls over there. They hot!"
I look over to see what Sam was talking about, and he was right. The girls he was talking about were on the dance floor and there was 3 of them. One had red hair and piercing blue eyes almost like mine. The second one had black hair with greenish brown eyes, and the last one had blond hair, it almost looked albino, and her eyes were a dark green.
"Watch this." I said and started walking over to the girl with red hair and blue eyes.
"Hey girl." I said and we started talking. Then things started heating up. She grabbed my hand and we walked back to a private room and we hit it off that night. The only mistake I made was that I was so drunk I forgot to get her number.

This story will have 2 POVS (only after Colby brings his daughter home) so as of right now it's only Colbys POV and his daughters POV will start once he goes to the orphanage. I will write a chapter in Colbys POV then I'll it rewrite the same chapter but in his daughters POV.
As of right now updates will be every sunday, Monday, and Friday.

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