My first friend in Cali

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            Kenslys POV
I would like to start off by saying how sorry I am that this is just now being published. I didn't have my phone last night.

     It was Thursday morning and I started school on Monday. I was excited and nervous at the same time because the back of my head kept playing the same scenario of the kids at my new school not liking me. I'll pull through though. I walked down stairs and seen Aaron sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey Aaron, if you're not busy right now could you take me to the mall so I can get a skate board? I kinda left mine at the orphanage by accident." I asked. I was really eager to skate because I haven't been able to skateboard in a couple weeks due to the boys being at the orphanage.

"Sure Kens, let me grab my keys." He got up and got his keys. We went to the mall and I went into the skate shop. I got a 28 inch skateboard. It didn't have the gash in the wood from when me and Miles wrecked it when we were 5, but it would do. We drove home and I told Aaron thank you. I went upstairs to my dads room and told him that I was going skating.

"Okie dokie kiddo, be careful though, Corey has broken his wrist before so ride carefully."

"Will do dad." I said and went downstairs and out the front door. I left the yard and skated down the road and kept riding up and down. Around the second time I went up the road, a boy with ocean blue eyes and blonde hair came outside and sat on his porch. He looked about my age. I was about to go back to the house when another skater was coming down the road. The boy with blue eyes went inside his house when he saw him. He got next to me and stopped.
"Hi." I said. "Don't "hi" me! Girls shouldn't skate, its dangerous, you should go back home and put on a dress and cook for your dad!"  He said.

"Bitch do you want me to beat your ass right here?" I asked him.

"Oh no! Please don't hurt me!" He said while laughing. The boy was a little overweight and I had the perfect comeback.
"If you ran track as much as you run your mouth you'd be in perfect shape you ass." He swung at me, but I dodged it. I punched him in the gut and pulled him off his balance. I then got on top of him and started punching him in the face over and over and over again, I could see the blood on my knuckles. I heard the door open to the blue eyed boys house and I heard 2 or 3 people running towards me. A man pulled me off of the boy.

"Curtis, go home! As for you let's take you home! Lead the way."I knew I was gonna get into trouble. I was already bracing myself.  We got to the front of the trap house and I put the gate code in. He walked me up to the door and then he knocked. I propped my skateboard up on the left piller as Corey opened the door.

"Kensly who is this, and why are you touching my niece!" Corey said.

"Sorry to interrupt your day but your niece just beat the shit out of a kid in front of my house. I don't know what caused it, but violence isn't welcome. Now I know you've lived here for a while now, but I've never seen her, so make sure she understands that violence isn't accepted here!" He yelled at Corey.

"He swung at me first bitch!" I said looking at the man and getting loose from his grasp. I got next to Corey and then the man slapped me.

"DON'T YOU EVER, EVER TOUCH HER!" Corey yelled and then punched the man in his face and gave him a bloody nose.                                                                                                    

"Now get off my property!" He yelled. The man left.

"So what happened?" Corey asked me.

"I was skating and he swung at me, but I dodged it and pulled him off his balance and then I punched his face over and over again until he was bleeding from his lips." I told Corey showing him my knuckles covered in dry blood.

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