Home, Sweet, Home

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Colby's POV

The weeks we were here seemed to blow by like nothing. It was the night before we left. I walked into Kenslys room and saw Jayce, her, Miles, and Sam playing Jenga.
"Hey Kensly, we're leaving in the morning around 6 because the ride is almost 11 hours, so make sure you pack up what you want to take with you tonight."

"Okay dad." She said.
That's crazy! I have a daughter and she called me dad. I felt happy that she said that. "Alrighty." I said and went into me and Sam's room and I saw Sam's luggage on the bed. I started to pack. I double checked to make sure I had everything and I did, so I went to go check on Kensly and Sam. "Hey guys." I said as I walked into Kenslys room. "You mind if I play the next round too?" Kensly looked at me. "Sure, but your gonna lose!" She said with a big smile. "Your on!" I said. I waited for the 2nd round and it was my turn to play against Kensly. "Alright macho man, you pick first." Kensly said. I pulled the middle bottom block out and placed it on the top. "So how much are we betting on this?" Kensly said. "I'll bet 5 on Kens." Jayce said. "I'll bet 15 on Colby!" Sam said back at Jayce. We continued to play and the stack was almost as tall as the small Mason I had met the 1st day I was here. Then I made the mistake by taking a middle block out in the center of the stack. It fell. "YES!" Kensly said. "Pay up Sam." Jayce said. I looked at my watch and it read 4:24. "The bell is in a few." I said and Kensly told everybody to get out so she could change. I seen everyone leave but Jayce.
"Jayce!" I said and grabbed his ear and pulled him out. I walked downstairs and got a pack of gushers and a coke and sat down on the couch and watched Grace play Fortnite. "Your pretty good." I said. She had 15 kills and there was 63 people left. "Yeah. I'm not really friends with anyone here, so when I'm not crying I'm playing Fortnite." She said. "Relatable." I said and got up as Nicole said dinner was ready. We all sat down and Kensly was talking to Jayce and Miles. Grace was sitting at the end seat just eating and not talking. I looked at Jake and nodded at Grace and then back at him. He went over and they started talking.
"Alright everybody, tonight is Kensly, Colby, Sam, Jake, and Aarons last night here. They are leaving tomorrow morning. So everyone say thank you to them for being so nice." Nicole said. I have really bonded with all these kids the past few weeks. It makes me feel sick to think about what these kids must have gone through.
"Thanks!" Everyone said and I laughed. We ate and I was done first, so I headed up to lay down. I was exhausted. I wound up going to sleep and I woke up around 12 or 11 and realized I hadn't told Kensly goodnight yet. I was gonna do that if she wasn't asleep yet. I checked her room and she wasn't there. I looked everywhere and the last room was Jayce's. I opened the door quietly, and Kensly was on a pallet on the floor next to the bed. I let her sleep and I went back to bed too.
- Time skip to almost morning -
"Dad!" I felt someone shaking me.
"Dad it's 4:30 we have to get ready!" I opened my eyes to see Kensly with her hair up in a bun.
"Kensly have you brushed your teeth yet?" I said jokingly.
"No." Kensly responded.
"I can tell!" I said sitting up and scratching my head. She rolled her eyes and walked out. I got dressed in some red "take chances" joggers, and a black "now or never" shirt. I put on my black Converse and walked downstairs to eat some cereal. I was at the edge of the stairs and I peeked my head around the corner and seen a football game on the TV. Jayce,Grace,Mason,Kayden, and Miles were on the couch watching it.
I walked into the livingroom and looked at Jayce. "Did you guys clean up that pallet on the floor in your room?" I said and he turned even redder than he naturally is. "Yes." He said. "So what are you guys doing up so early?" I asked. "We have to say goodbye to Kensly!" Mason said. "Okay, okay!" I said. I walked into the kitchen and made some cereal and I left the cereal out for Kensly and I went into the living room to eat it and watch the game.
10 minutes later
Kensly walked into the livingroom carrying 3 bags and 2 suitcases. I helped her take it out to the car along with mine,Sam's,Jake's,and Aaron's luggage. I told Kensly to get Sam up while I went to get Jake and Aaron. I woke up Aaron no problem, but Jake was the one to put up a fight.
"Jake wake up!" I yelled.
"STOP BEING A RATS ASS!" He yelled at me.
"Jake we have to get ready to go,come on!"
"NO!" He said.
"Yes Jake!" Aaron budded in.
"GET THE HELL UP!" I yelled at him.
"I don't want to!" Jake said. "YOU HAVE TO!" Sam walked in.
"FINE THEN!" Jake said and got up. "Me and Kensly already took everyone's stuff outside and put it on the car." I told them.
"Thanks." They all said in unison.
- time skip to where everyone is ready -
I called Kensly to come downstairs and she came down with black ripped jeans on and a camo crop top. She had her firey red hair in two french braids and she had a leather mini backpack on. Sam ,Jake ,and Aaron were all on the couch.
"Well say bye guys, we have to go." Everyone got up and gave Kensly a big hug. Jayce went up to her.
"If you need anything just or wanna come back just call Nicole, okay?" She nodded. He kissed her on the cheek.
"Aye do-" I started to move twords Jayce but Jake stopped me. "Let them be." Jake whispered to me. I rolled my eyes and gave Jayce the death stare and I was planning on talking to Kensly in the car about her and Jayce.
"Love ya Tank." Kensly said to Jayce. I hated that, but I didn't know why.
"Love you too kens." He said back and pulled her into a hug.
I cleared my throat, "we have to go in a minute." I said trying to hurry her.
She looked at me, " Okay..." She said and put her head down. "Bye guys." She said and everyone gave her a hug one more time.
" Bye guys." We all said as we walked out the door and we all loaded into the car. I was driving and Kensly was in the passengers seat. Aaron, Jake, and Sam were cramped in the back seat.
"Alrighty guys, AUX cord or radio?" I said looking in the back seat.
"That's up to Kensly." Jake said looking at his phone. I turned to face Kensly. Her expression was flat.
"What's an AUX cord?" She asked turning red.
"What!" Sam said from behind me.
"You don't know what an AUX cord is!" He said.
"It's a cord that you plug into your radio and it allows you to play music from your phone onto the radio system." Aaron explained.
"Oh. I see, Jayce had a computer in his room that I listened to music on all the time. My favourite song would probably be Robbery but juice WRLD." She said.
"AUX it is then." I said and plugged in the cord. I typed in Robbery on my Spotify and played it. Kensly was singing to it.

Colby Brocks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now