The unexpected

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Kenslys' POV

It was Saturday morning and I thought I would go see Mason or Silas. I didn't know where Silas's house was, so I figured I would go to Masons and then we could walk and get Silas. I went out of my room and down the stairs.
"Hey Dad, can I go hang out with Mason?" I asked.
"Sure, just be back by 2, we have to film the video explaining who you are." Dad said as I nodded. I walked out the door and grabbed my skateboard, which was still in the piller from when Masons dad brought me home.
I left the driveway and went to Masons.
I knocked on the door and a nice woman came to the door.
"Hello." She said.
"Hi, is Mason home?" I asked.
"Oh I love your accent honey. And yes, Mason is home, I think he's around back if you wanna go get him." She said. "No mom, I'm right here." I seen Mason come out of the backyard. "You can go wherever, just don't leave the neighborhood and be back by 3." His mom said.
"Do you wanna go get Silas?" I asked and he nodded. We walked and I left my skateboard at Masons. We arrived at Silas's house. It was a big brick house that had green grass and beautiful big windows, but as we got closer, I didn't think of it to be as beautiful anymore. I heard yelling, a lot of yelling.
"BUT I DIDN'T FRANK!" I heard a women.
"What's going on?" I asked backing away.
"Um, now might not be a good time to get him." Mason said. I could see Mason was acting tough, but I could also see the tears he was holding back in his eyes. "Which window is Silas's?" I asked. He pointed to an average sized window with the blinds up and the curtains covering the window. I picked up a pebble and threw it at the window. After a couple rocks I seen Silas. He held up his pointer finger.
"He never has the blinds up in his window, he always has them down." Mason said looking up.
"NO YOU LITTLE SHIT, GO BACK TO YOUR ROOM!" I heard the man inside shout. About 2 minutes passed and I seen Silas at his window with a rope. He opened his window and I didn't see him for a second. Then the rope got thrown out the window but wasn't falling to the ground, so he must have tied it to his bed frame or a banester. Silas crawled out the window and went to the edge of the overhang covering his front porch and he climbed down using the rope. Silas turned around.
"Oh my God Silas! What happened!" I asked him looking at his face. He had a black eye and a busted lip. Mason was no longer holding back the tears, but he was crying.
"Silas! That's bad! Really bad! What happened?" I asked touching his lip with my thumb. He winced in pain.
"It's fine, I promise." Silas said.
"That's not 'fine' Silas! Now tell me what happened!" I demanded.
"William..." I heard Mason say.
"Who's William?" I asked.
"His mom is having an affair, and the dude isn't good. He drugs up his mom and then takes advantage of her. He beats Silas and sometimes his mom." Mason said.
"Silas..." I said looking down. He pulled me into a hug and I went red hot.
"Thank you for coming and getting me." He said.
"Anytime." I said while tearing up.
"Let's go to my house, my uncle Joey knows how to treat stuff like that, and he's always at the house." I said. We started walking and once we reached the front gate I seen that Jake's car was gone. We walking inside and I seen my dad in a puddle of blood on the ground and Kat looking around scared. Uncle Sam was on the phone.
"Dad! Dad!" I yelled and cried more than I already was. I sat down in the corner and cried.
"Kensly it's a prank!" My dad got up.
"Me and Kat were pranking Sam cause we didn't think you'd be home until 2. It's okay..." He hugged me.
"Wait, what! You bastard!" Sam yelled and stormed upstairs.
I stopped crying and pointed at Silas.
"He needs help, not me." He look as Silas.
"Holy shit. Kat go get Joey." He took Silas into the kitchen and sat him on the counter.
"Joey will be here in a second. What happened?" Dad asked Silas.
"I fell."
"Silas you can tell him." I looked him sincerely.
"Well..... My mom is having an affair, and the dude drugged my mom and then he hit me... A lot." Silas looked at dad.
" You can't stay there." My dad said.
"Where do I go then?" Silas asked looking at Joey as he came in.
"Here." Dad said and walked upstairs.
"Holy shit kid. What happened?" Joey asked.
"I'm not saying it anymore." He said rolling his eyes.
"That's fine." Joey said opening the first aid kit and patching him up.
"All done." Silas got off the counter.
"Hey Kensly, we have to film that video now!" Dad yelled from upstairs.
"Um, okay. Joey, do you mind playing fortnite or something with the boys for like an hour while me and Colby do this?" I looked at Joey.
"Sure kiddo." He said as Silas, Mason, and him went into the living room. I walked upstairs and went into Colby's room. I saw Jake and my dad sitting down.
"Your car isn't here. So how are you here?" I asked.
"Corey has it." He said and I nodded.
"So, how are we doing this?" I asked due to the fact that I had never filmed a YouTube video.
"Let me and Jake do the talking and you can get in your phone or whatever until we say your name. Just act natural." My dad told me.
"Okay. So what all are we going to talk about?" I asked.
"Just your story and what you did at the orphanage and how the orphanage found me and called.
"Here Colby, I'll set up the camera." Jake said
We talked until Jake said the camera was ready and pressed record.
"Hey guys, so this is on the Sam and Colby channel but Sam isn't here so Jake is here. Today instead of the going to the Queen Mary, we're talking about something more serious and important." Colby went on. "As you all can see, there is a girl in the frame." I turned my phone off and waved at the camera.
"Some of you might be wondering who she is. Well you don't get to know that just yet. Wait a lil while. I'll start from the beginning. Is that okay with you Kens?" He asked me.
"Yeah." I said sitting their like an idiot.
"Mkay, well, me and Aaron went to work out, as usual, and when we got done we stopped to get water and beef jerky. While I was inside my phone went off and Aaron answered for me. I got back out and called back the number, and it was an orphanage. They said that my daughter was their. I couldn't believe it because I had only done 'the thing' with one person, and that was thirteen years ago..." Dad looked at me.
"Do you wanna finish?"
"Sure." I answered.
"Make sure to tell us about what you did at the orphanage too."
"Well, I lived at the orphanage since I was born. I did a lot of things like hang out in my hangout, hangout with Jayce, play computer games, ride my four-wheeler, skateboard, walk, and there are so many more things I did there but if I listed all of em we would be here forever." I said and laughed.
"Anyways, Colby showed up to the orphanage one day and I got discouraged and ran to my hide out. Colby followed me, of course, and while I was in my hideout he told me something I thought I would never hear in my life. Like it still shocks me. Everyday I expect to wake up from the dream that's now my reality, because I live with my dad now. While we were in that hideout, Colby told me that he was my birth father." I said looking at Colby then at Jake then back at my phone to check the time.
"Well guys, sorry this is a short video, but this was something that had to be addressed and explained. The next video will most likely be an explore video and Kensly will be in it, if she wants to."
"I'll go." I said excited.
"Kensly, you can go back downstairs now if you want." Jake said.
"Alrighty." I said and got up. I walked downstairs and seen that Joey, Mason, and Silas were gone.
"Hey Kat have you seen my friends and Joey?"
"Yeah, they went out back.'' Kat told me. I walked out back and couldn't halp but to laugh my ass off. Mason was on the wall separating our yard from the neighbors. Joey was sitting down next to the pool in criss cross applesauce while Silas was trying to help Mason down.
"What the actual fuck!" I yelled laughing still.
"I'm stuck!" Mason looked at me and made eye contact. I looked away at the pool and got an idea.
"Jump in the pool Mason!" I told him and my stomach was hurting from how much I was laughing.
"My clothes?" He asked.
"I'll dry them in the dryer. In the mean time you can wear my sweat pants. I really only have band Tees and crop tops so, I don't know what you can do about the shirt." I offered.
"You can wear my shirt, it's hot out here anyways." Silas told him and gave him his shirt.
"Thanks dude." Mason said and smiled. It was adorable.
"Hey Ken's, you should walk Mason home while me and Jake figure out what to do with Silas okay." My dad told me.
"Okay." I said and got up.
"Come on Mason. I'll walk you home, plus my skateboard is still in your hard from earlier." Mason nodded.
"Later dude. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow or Monday." Mason said to Silas.
"Bye." He said
I walked into the living room and out of the front door with Mason. The whole way we were silent. Almost like we were still trying to comprehend what had just happened. I walked Mason to the door and said goodbye. I grabbed my skateboard from in his yard and I skated home.

Hey guys, I haven't had a lot of free time, Miles you know lol, we have had a lot of projects for school. I most likely will not be posting next Sunday due to my brother moving in with my dad on Sunday. Anyways don't forget to give this chapter a vote and comment if you have any questions or and suggestions about the story.
Until next Sunday,
Confused_tank out ✌️✌️✌️

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