The Phone Call

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         13 YEARS LATER....

    Corey and Devyn are playing Rocket League in the living room and Sam is in the kitchen with Kat. I had asked Aaron if he wanted to go to the gym and he said yes so I was getting ready. I put on some basketball shorts and a XPLR tank top already prepared to be recognized by fan girls.
     "You ready?" Aaron asked, "yeah."
I said with no expression on my face.
     "Why are you so sad all the time?" I didn't know what to say at this point.
    "I'm always so sad because I let someone I could of had a legitimate relationship with slip away but I was too drunk to realize that she could have been the one." Aaron looked confused.
       "That was some deep shit man." He got up and prepared his egg whites. He always eats egg whites before we go to the gym and it's disgusting. Kat and Sam walked up the stairs and went into their room.
    "You done yet?" I asked as I was ready to leave.
     "Slow your roll! I need this." He said as he made a face of enjoyment.
     "Why are you like this?" I asked sarcastically. He just looked at me and shrugged.
About 15 minutes had passed and Aaron was done with his egg whites.
"I'm done." He said grabbing his keys.
     "I thought we were taking my car?"
He looked at me and laughed , "I can't be seen in that hunk of garbage!" I knew he was joking so I rolled my eyes and went outside.
      I got in the car and Aaron started it. "Do you want the aux cord or nah?"
He said pointing at the center console, "Sure." I said and grabbed the aux, "Any song requests?" I knew what he was gonna say but I asked anyways.
     "Bitch lasagna!" He was a huge fan of Pewdiepie and loved the songs he had come out with that year. I pulled up Aaron's playlist and put the song on.
I had to admit that the song was pretty good but when you play it as much as Aaron does it kinda gets annoying. We were about 30 minutes away from the gym and Aaron couldn't wait to get there to use the bathroom, so we had to pull over.
      ~time jump to when they get to the gym~
      "When we get inside do you wanna lift or run first?" I really didn't wanna work out anymore but I needed to stay in shape so I went anyways.
     ~time jump to after the workout~
I'm all sweaty and hungry and walking outside to the cool air felt good on my face. It was about 7pm when we left.
    "I can't believe we just worked out for 4 hours straight!" Aaron said.
     "Yeah, my legs are burning!"I said.
We walked to the car and as soon as we got in Aaron turned the AC on.
     We  were driving for about 15 minutes and then I seen a Shell station. "Aaron I'm hungry can you stop up here at the Shell?" I said as my stomach growled.
    "Yeah, but while your in there can you grab me some water and beef jerky?" I nodded and figured I would just buy one of the jumbo bags of jerky for me and Aaron to share.
    I walked in the store and the lady greeted me, "Hi! Let me know if you need any help." I looked at her. "Sure thing."  I walked over to the isle where the jerky was and I didn't see any jumbo bags, so I walked over to the waters and grabbed two smart waters. I walked over to the counter and asked the lady, " Do you have any jumbo jerky bags?" She shrugged.
     " I'm not sure, I'll go check the back ." She walked into a door with a sign on it that said, "EMPLOYEES ONLY". I waited about 5 minutes and she came back with a jumbo bag and rang up my total. "$26.56 is your total." I payed and started to head out the door "have a good night." The lady said. "You too!" I said.
      " Here I got a big bag for me and you to share." I said as I got into the car and handed him the bag. "Hey Colby..." Aaron said with an uneasy face, "Yes?" I say confused. "While you were in the store you got a phone call, I thought it was important so I answered for you..." I was worried by the tone Aaron had in his voice. "Spit it out bud! Your scaring me!" I snapped. "It was an orphanage asking for you... I told them you were busy and you would give them a call when you were free." I looked at my phone and went to my recents on my calls and I dialed the number Aaron has spoken to.
      "BRINNGG....BRINNGG...BRINN.. Hi this is Nicole from Annie's orphanage how may I help you?" I looked at Aaron and said "Yes this is Colby Brock, my friend picked up my phone a few minutes ago and said you were asking for me?" A small pause of silence happened. "One second please." Nicole said. I waited and I heard faint muffled voices, "Ann, there... a ma... On the ph... Sayin.... A phone....from here." And that was I could hear.
    "Yes Mr.Brock we've been trying to contact you about your daughter." I paused and looked confused, "I don't have a daughter." I said in a confused voice. She paused, "You've never met her, we looked through her files and took a blood test and it matched to you." I about started crying. "Why are you contacting me about her?" I say sternly.
      "The kids we have here have no family and have never met their biological parents, we thought it would be good for Kensly to meet her father considering we can't find information on her mother." A single tear ran down my face. "What do you need me to do?" Nicole answered almost instantly, "We have a thing called "supervisores" here and your daughters just stopped watching her because she lost intrest." I was furious at this point.
    " What that hell is a supervisor?"
"A supervisor is someone who is looking into adopting or fostering the child they watch. They watch for 4 weeks and decide wether or not they want to keep the child."
  "And you want me to supervise her?"
I was excited to meet my daughter, if it's even my kid, but I was depressed because the only person I had intercourse with was the red haired girl, so that means it's her kid...and she didn't keep her. It makes me lose my faith in humanity.
     " What do I need to do?" I asked with ease. "If you could come to the orphanage and NOT tell her that your her dad, you could be her new supervisor. If you decide you want to take her home you can just fill the papers out and then have a house expection, and it's as easy as that!"
    "Um... Yeah I'll do it. I may not of known about her but I put her on the planet, so I have to take responsibility and take care of my child." I looked at Aaron "Colby what the hell?" I looked him dead square in the eyes, "I have a child." And I started crying. Nicole gave me the address and than we pulled out if the parking lot.
   "Sooooo what was that!?" Aaron asked me.
"Appearently I have a child. A little girl named Kensly. I have to travel to (address I couldn't make up lol) and pretend to be her supervisor."
"What the hell is a supervisor?!"
"I asked the same thing," I was still crying, "a supervisor is someone who watches the kid or kids they're interested in for 3 to 4 weeks.  If you want to go ahead and adopt or fostering the child you have to have a home check and you fill out a few papers and you have the kid.'
"That's fucked up." Aaron said with a look of concern, "To get a kids hopes up with a so called "supervisor" and when the supervisor doesn't take the kid, what's the kid gonna do?"
     " So are you going?"
    "Yes Aaron! I'm gonna go meet and take my kid back. I'll be back in 3 to 4 weeks as being a supervisor is mandatory, " I say while rolling my eyes, " I'm not allowed to tell her that I'm her dad though."
   "What do you think she's like?"
  " Well me and her mom both have piercing blue eyes, her mom had red hair so maybe she has red hair too? I wonder if she looks like me more than here mom."
    "Colby, if you need any help with this just let me know." Aaron said.
Aaron's always like that, passanite, sweet and caring, he's always there for me, but Sam is the only one I want with me, and possibly Jake.
  "Thanks Aaron, but I only want Sam and possibly Jake there. It's nothing personal there just the ones I feel closest to."
    "It's okay Colby, I wouldn't take it personal anyways. I respect your decisions."
   At this point we were 5 minutes away from the house and we needed a plan.
   "Sooooo, don't tell Corey, Kat,or Devyn. I want it to be a surprise when I bring her home."
   "What's our explanation for you being gone for 3 to 4 weeks?"
   "Just say I'm visiting my cousins."
  "For 3 to 4 weeks!?"
"I've done that before. If they're suspicious I'll just say I'm not gonna travel all that way just to stay a week."
   "Okay nice plan!"
We we're at the house now and I was only gonna tell Jake and Sam.
   We pull up and go inside.
"Sam, Jake, Aaron, I need you guys in my room now." Everyone looked confused and Jake and Sam followed me and Aaron up the stairs. We get to my room and I close the door and lock it.
   "What are you doing Colby!? Why did you lock the door!?" Sam said
"Yeah are you killing us!" Jake said sarcastically.
  "Guys be quite!" Aaron said in a whisper-yell voice. "The others down stairs will hear you!"
  "Okay this is hard to say...."
  "Sam remember like 13 years ago when I lost my v-card to the red headed chick when I was drunk?"
   I said and started crying.
"Woah, yeah I remember, but why are you crying."
"I got a call on the way home from. The gym..." Sam looked really concerned. "It was from an orphanage... And apperently..." I couldn't finish, "appearently..."
   "Appearently Colby has a daughter. A 13 year old girl named kensly." Aaron finished for me.
"Woah..." Sam said, "I'mma be an uncle Sam!" He sounded more supportive and surprised than I thought he would.
  "I'll be an uncle too!" Jake says excitedly. "But why did you only tell me Aaron and Sam?" I paused.
"You guys are the ones I feel closest to.  
I want you guys to come on the trip with me."
Everyone except me and Aaron froze up.
"You want me,Aaron,and Jake to go on what trip?"
"Not me, Colby only wants you two."Aaron said.
"Accually Aaron, I changed my mind, I do want you to come."
"Really?!" He said
"Really." I said
"What trip!" Jake and Sam said.
    "I have to go there and pretend to be her supervisor, which is someone who watches the kid or kids they're interested in adopting it fostering. It takes three or four weeks for me to meet the requirement of being a supervisor then I can take her home, which I am. I can't tell her I'm her dad until I take her here. So don't tell her, I don't know if her mom has ever even seen her at this age..." I said explaining, "So me, you," I point at Jake," Aaron and Sam are going on the trip with me. We have to say we're going to visit my cousins. Me and Aaron had already come up with a plan. If they get suspicious of how long were staying, just say that we're not gonna drive all that way just to spend a couple weeks with them. So we're staying 4. Don't tell anyone else in the house where were going."
   "When are we leaving?" Jake asked
"In two days." I said
"So go ahead and pack enough cloths for 4 weeks."
"I can't believe I'm gonna be an uncle Sam!" Sam said excitedly.
"Me neither." Jake said.
  " Woah Colby," Jake said, "this is the first person that's gonna call you "dad" or " daddy"!"
"What the hell! It's my daughter!"
We all laugh.
We all leave the room and start packing a suitcase and trying to be unsispisious.
   I head down stairs.
"Yo! What was all that yelling for?" Corey said. "Me, Sam , Aaron, and Jake are gonna go visit my cousins for around 4 weeks. They got excited."
I said hoping he'd believe me.
" Oh, okay. When are you leaving?" Taven said.
"Taven, why are you always here?''
I asked grateful that Corey didn't catch my lie.
"I like it here man." Taven said, "but seriously when are you leaving?"
  "In 2 days.". Everyone was supportive of my lie so I was happy.
I head upstairs and take a shower, still beat up from the workout. The water felt so good on my back that it's crazy. I got out and put on some boxers and layed down in my bed.

Hey everyone 👋
Confused_tank here
This chapter has a lot of typos because I had to type it fast and get it done. But anyways I hope you like the new chapter.

     The real reason why I was here
There was one thing I  didn't clairafy in the story, the orphanage where Colbys daughter is, is in the far side of Texas. Over by where TN is, and there gonna drive so that's why it says there not gonna go that far to only stay a few weeks.  Hope that clairafied that.
    But for now,

                   Confused_tank out ✌️


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