What to do, what to do

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When I got home from taking Mason home, I really wanted some reassurance. I walked up the stairs and into my room, I picked up my computer and called Jayce, no answer. I called again and still, no answer. I called one last time and still, no answer, but this time his camera came on while it was ringing. Jayce looked at the computer and straight up denied my call. I was worried now because Jayce always answers me when I call him. I called Miles. He picked up on the first try.

"Hey Kens!" he yelled excitedly.

"Hey Miles, how are you?" I asked trying to get my mind off of what happened today.

"I'm good, did you know we got a new girl? She's really pretty, she's got blonde hair and brown eyes, but she's kind of a jerk." Miles had told me.
"Is she at the orphanage now?" I asked wanting to meet her.

"Yeah, hold on."  He got up and opened his door.

"Jayce! Can you guys come in here?!" He yelled. I'm furious now, Jayce didn't answer because he was with another girl?! After everything we've talked about and done. 

"Hey Kens!" Jayce said and walked into the room with a blonde girl who looked really ditsy.

"Don't "hey" me Jayce." I said looking down at my feet.

"What's wrong Kensley?" Miles asked me.

"What's wrong it that I called Jayce three times and he didn't answer me once. I had something to talk to him about and now I'm not going to because I don't want it to happen now. You didn't answer me because you were with her, and I know you got my calls because your computer camera comes on when your skype is ringing. So much for best friends." I said and closed my laptop hanging the call up. I'm tired of this, I'm tired of finally having a person I can trust and then them betraying me. I walked down stairs and saw Aaron.

"Hey Aaron, can I go to the store down the street to get gum? I just ran out of it."

"Sure kiddo, and why don't you take your friend, he's hogging my playstation." I nodded and went into the family room.

"Hey Silas, do you wanna come with me to the gas station and get gum with me?" I asked.

"Sure, I don't have money though."

"AARON!" I yelled.

"What! What happened?!" He said running in.

"Can I have 10$?" I looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Fine." He said and reached in his wallet and handed me a 10. 

"Also, can Silas borrow the penny board?" Aaron nodded and Silas grabbed it. We walked out the door and I grabbed my skateboard on the way out.

"Race ya!" Silas said and bolted. I raced after him and got to the store a little too late. We walked in the store skateboards in hand and Silas went to look at the gum and candy while I went to the small selection of tools they had. I saw some blades for a box cutter and walked up to the counter to pay before Silas saw them. So much for that plan, Silas came around the corner with skittles and starburst.

"What are you buying those for?" Silas said looking confused. This guy didn't know about my history with cutting, so if I told him something like they're for my dad, he would probably believe me with out a second thought on it.

"I have a prop I'm working on for one of my dads videos and I need to get it done before he makes the video." I said remembering I'm a really good liar so he would believe me anyways. ]

"Oh, can I help?" Silas said.

"No, I'd rather not, I have control issues." I said lying again. He nodded.

"That's okay, Mason has em' too."

I turned around and the cashier looked concerned.

"Are you okay sweetie?" She asked. I nodded uneasy while Silas put his candy on the counter. 

"Hold on just a second." She said and took the razor blades to the back. She came back with them and flipped the back around.

"If you need anything call this." She said and flashed the back. I couldn't tell what was on it but I got defensive.

"8.28 is your total." She said as I handed her the 10. She gave me my change.

"By the way, it's none of your concern if I'm okay or not, you don't even know me or who I am. So don't ask people out of the blue if they're okay like that." I said and walked out the door with my skateboard in my left hand and our bag in my right. I put down my skateboard and booked it home faster than I knew Silas could go on the penny board. I didn't look back or wait up for Silas, I just rode until I reached the door of the Trap House, I threw my skateboard and it hit  Elton's car, I didn't car. I ran into the house tears in eyes and got my blades out of the bag. I threw the other contents of the bag onto the bar counter and Elton saw what I had in my hands.

"Shhhh." I said hoping he wouldn't tell. I'm dumb if I though that would work.

"Colby!" He yelled and booked after me. He caught me and held me by my stomach with one arm and ripped the blades out of my hands. He threw them down the hallway near Aaron's room. He dropped to the floor and hugged me. We sat in the hallway for at least 10 minutes and I was just crying hugging Elton like he was leaving forever. Dad came up the stairs and saw what was going on. Elton pointed to the razor blades down the hallway and Colby picked me up from Elton. He took me downstairs and we passed Silas. He moved his head watching us walk out the door.

He put me down in the passengers seat, not even buckling me in and he got in and drove. He drove faster than I've seen him drive the whole time I've been there. After about 15 minutes of driving he pulled into a child phychologist building.

"Now I'm going to ask you a question and you had better answer me truthfully Kensley." My dad said looking at me with an angry expression"What were you doing, with a package of boxcutter blades?" He said. I looked down, tears involuntarily falling down my face. 

"You know the answer to that, and don't act like you don't." I said looking over at him then at the building in front of us.

"God damnit!" My dad yelled and put his hands in his face. 

"Get out." He said opening his door. I did as I was told and got out with him, he started going up to the building.

"Dad, what are we doing here? I don't need it." I said slowly realizing why we were here and comprehending what had just happened between everyone.

"Really Kens? You wanna know why we're here? After everything that just happened at the house, and what I saw at the orphanage? Seriously? You're getting the therapy you need and there's no stopping me from getting for you." He said and motioned for me to hurry up. He walked into the main room. As I walked in the air hit my face, it smelt of dollar tree eyeshadow, as odd as it sounds.

"Hi, how can I help sir?" The front counter lady said.

"Yes, how do I start weekly visits for my daughter?" 

Hey guys, 

Confused_tank here, again I'm so sorry for not updating in such a long time, but I wrote this up for you guys, so enjoy,

Until next Sunday,

Confused_tank out (three peace signs cause my phone broken again and my computer doesn't support emojis)

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