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     Kensly just stormed out of the door and Jake was telling me how he couldn't tell the difference between us, while I felt like shit. She seemed nice until she found out I was her supervisor.
     I went outside with Jake and tried to find her, and I seen the woods across the road, they looked like the woods that the little grey headed girl went into. I followed my wondering mind into the woods, and sure enough, there was the hole that the little girl in my  dream had went in.
     I went in deep enough and sure enough there Kensly was, but the hole was different. Instead of a continuous hole, it was hollowed out at the end and she had books piled up and and she had opened books everywhere too.
    "You like reading huh?" I say trying to make her feel better.
   "Just go away." She said and turned around, she was crying.
   "I'm not just gonna go away!" I said
   "Why? Your not gonna take me! Nobody ever does..." She said dissapointed.
  "I don't think I'm supposed to tell you this but, what is you last name?"
She looked at me, "Brock.'' she said with the most depressing voice ever.
"If I tell you this, you have to act like I didn't tell you and that you don't know until I take you home okay." She nodded and then Jake entered the hole.
   "Nice hideout man." He said. She looked at him and rolled her eyes.
    "I'm gonna tell her." I said looking at him in the eyes. "Are you sure a dark hole is the right place to tell her?" He said concerned.
Kensly pulled out a flashlight from a backpack she had with her and stuck it in the ground so the whole hole was lite up.
"It's not dark anymore." She said eagerly.
"Colby are you sure?" Jake said.
"Yes!" I said for the last time
"Kensly...I'm....I'm...I'm your dad!'' I said.
"Nice try!" She said not crying anymore.
"I know Miles put you up to this prank. Now since you were part of his prank your gonna help me get him back!" I had no idea who Miles was, or what she was talking about.
   "Who is Miles?" She looked angry now but she didn't show it with her words.
"Stop pretending!'' she said annoyed.
She then proceeded to pull a journal out of the backpack and she opened it. "This is all the pranks Miles had pulled on me and all the pranks I've pulled back on him. We're in the middle of a prank war.'' I then realized that she was more like me than I thought she would be.
"That's cool but I really don't know who Miles is."
She looked at me with a sparkle in her eye, "So you really are my dad?" She said tearing up. "Yes." I said. I know it was a little cliche to tell her before I had gotten her home, but if I hadn't of told her I was her dad now, she probably would have hated me the whole time I was here.
   She looked at Jake, "Is it true?" She said.
"Yes, it's true." He said sincerely. She looked at him and then back down to the ground.
   She then crawled up to me and gave me a hug,
"Where have you been all my life?" She said crying.
We sat there for a good 15 minutes just telling her about the phone call I got and she asked me a few questions about her mom, but I told her she was better off not knowing. Me and Jake have also told her not to tell anyone that I was her dad until we get home.
   - Time jump to after the conversation-
  "So, do you wanna meet my friends?" She asked me with a different tone, her accent made everything that came out of her mouth sound sweet and calm. Me and Jake followed Kensly out of the hole and she ran across the road as we followed. she stopped the ATVs that were still riding. They all pulled up and took their helmets off.
   "Alrighty guys, these are my new supervisors." She said to her friends. "Oh yeah you have two more upstairs unpacking." I say laughing a bit.
"Anyways," Kensly went on, "I'm going to introduce you guys cause we were talking about the prank war and they wanna meet you Miles, so I figured why not introduce them to all of you." The first kid had black short hair and an MCR shirt on. The second kid had read hair and red freckles, he had on a red Nike hoodie and black joggers. The third kid had  semi long hair and it was dyed red, she had on an Aeropostale shirt and blue ripped jeans.
   "That's Miles." Kensly pointed at the kid with short black hair. " I hear your quite the prankster." I said and Miles laughed.
   "That's Jayce." She said and pointed to the kid with orange hair. I nodded. "And last but not least, is Kayden." She pointed at the only other girl.
   " if you have 4 supervisors, that means they're gonna take you from us!" Miles said anxiously.
   "Don't worry kid," I said, " If you guys want to visit her I'll pay for your plane tickets to California. You guys can come any time you want as long as we're not busy." I said with a smile.  "You guys look alike. Is he your dad or something!" Jayce said jokingly. Kensly looked at me and back at Jayce. "Nice one, I don't see a resemblance at all." Kensly said.

*This is her but act like she has blue eyes*   Kensly was an extremely good actor and she was really good with her words and making them sound natural when she was lying

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*This is her but act like she has blue eyes*
   Kensly was an extremely good actor and she was really good with her words and making them sound natural when she was lying.
   20 minutes later
We were having a conversation about everything that the kids do here and then Sam and Aaron come outside.
   "Hey guys." Sam said and walked over to where we were at and looked at Kensly.
   "Well are you going to introduce me and Aaron Colby?" Sam asked.
   "I'm Kensly." Kensly said.
    "Woah Colby!" Sam said.
   "I know I've already told her. She knows who I am."
    "What did you tell her?" Miles said.
   "None if your damn business Miles!" Kensly said.
   "Kensly don.." Sam started to say but I quickly interrupted.
   "Sam don't say anything about her cussing when every other word we say  is a cuss word." I corrected him.
   "Okay." Sam said judgingly.
    "So what all can you guys do on these four wheelers?" Aaron asked
   "I'll show you I just have to run upstairs and grab my other helmet, MILES." I looked at Miles.
   "What happened?" Kensly looked Miles dead in the eyes.
   "ASK HIM!" She pointed.
  "It's not my fault the tires throw rocks up!"
   We just sat there not answering. She walked inside and before we knew it she was back out with the black and mint green helmet off her dresser. She got on her ATV and drove around the track with Jayce, Miles, and Kayden.
   They did donuts, they slung mud, and drifted a few times. They were even doing wheelies! It was pretty cool to know my daughter knew how to do that.
    We were just standing there watching them ride and we did for like 30 minutes and then a big bell ring and they parked the ATVs.
    "Why are you just standing there?" Jayce asked. "The dinner bell just rung so dinner is in 30 minutes, we have to wash up." He continued.
  We all went up and washed for dinner and we sat down at the table.
    Nicole sat everything we were having down in the table. There was at least 15 kids at the table and no there adults but me, Sam, Aaron,and Jake. Nicole put green beans, salad,baked potato,rice, rolls,and the main dish was turkey. It looked really good. Kensly was next to me, but she wasn't talking. Jayce was next to her and he wasn't saying anything either. Everyone else was talking but them, I just thought of it being a little weird. We continued to eat and Jayce and Kensly were the first ones done, and they went upstairs.
   I got done and so did Sam so we went upstairs to get to know Kensly a little more. We checked her room and she wasn't there. We looked for Jayces' room and the one at the end of the hall had his name in it so we cracked the door.
   "Don't worry, I won't let Nicole see them." I heard Jayce say. "Thanks, I don't want to leave you here, it just breaks me knowing I have to leave." I heard Kensly say.
   "It's okay Kens, but you have to promise me no more of this." He said. "I promise."
   At this point I could tell Sam was getting worried, so we went in the room. They were sitting on Jayces' bed with their backs turned to the door. I walked up behind them and was about to scare them, until I seen what they were doing.
    They were putting makeup on Kenslys' arms, and from the parts that weren't covered, I could see cuts. I was shocked.
   "Kensly..." I said in disappointment.
"SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" Jayce stood up for her.
  "For sure cutting is bad, but she couldn't help it. She felt abandoned and she wanted to feel something other than that." I looked at Kensly who finished covering up the cuts with foundations and finishing powder.
   "Jayce, it's okay. They aren't going to judge me for it. Colby is my dad. My real dad." She told Jayce but I didn't care at this point. I could tell that  knowing that I was her real dad, gave him a sense of relief. Relief that she wasn't going to get left again.
     "Kensly if you ever need to talk I'm here for you." I know how she feels because I've been in her position if feeling like I've been abandoned.
She nodded and walked out.

       I know this chapter sorta left you on a cliff hanger, but I needed to get these chapters done before the end of the week. Also go check out my friend Miles story called "forever I promise" its really good and he helped me come up with the title for this chapter.
     Until the next update,

          Confused_tank out ✌️✌️

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