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    ~Colbys POV~

      I had just woken up. I've never woke up before my alarm clock, set to 7 in the morning, but I did this morning. I looked at my alarm and it read "3:56".
   "Great. I guess I can double check my suitcases." I said to myself in a mumble voice in my dark room. I stumbled over to my door and flipped the light switch. Now that I could see I went into my closet and double checked my suitcases for toothpaste, toothbrush, hair gel, cologne,deotorant,body wash and conditioner and shampoo, socks, phone charger, emergency money,floss,underwear,headphones, , I counted my clothes and shoes, and I made sure I bring things to read or do while I wasn't driving.
    I got really hungry all of a sudden and went down to the kitchen, but the light was already on? I knew someone from the house was down there, or else the security system would have gone off. I entered the kitchen and sure enough, Jake was sitting at the bar counter, sipping orange juice. Checking my luggage took about and hour so it was now 4:30 and Jake is never up this early.
    "Hey what are you doing?" I asked Jake.
"Drinking juice." He said
"No dumbass why are you down here at this hour?" I said annoyed by his response. "I haven't slept all night." Jake said. "Why?"
"I'm nervous, 3 days ago I was worrying about what colour I was going to dye my hair next, and now all of a sudden I have a niece! It's incredible." I don't know why he's so anxious about it, but I also understand at the same time.
    "Don't be nervous man, it's all gonna work out." He looked at me relived. "Yeah." He said.
  "What time do you wanna head out?" I asked Jake.
"We're going to go meet and pick up your daughter so you pick." He said while rinsing his orange juice glass out in the sink.
"Okay well in that case go wake Aaron up, I wanna leave before 5!"
"Yes sir!" Jake said and went to wake up Aaron.
I walked up the stairs to Sam's room.
To my surprise Katrina was in his bed,
"Wake up Sam!" I yelled into his ear, it didn't bother Kat since she's a natural deep sleeper, but Sam shot straight up.
        "COLBY WHAT THE HELL!" He was angry, "Get up loser, we have to go to the... My cousins!" I almost ruined it all. "I didn't know Kat started staying the night."
   "Man she's been staying the night for the last 3 nights lol " Sam said
"Anyways, I need you to get up and we need to leave by 5 please." Sam looked at his phone, "Colby it's 4:45!'There is no way!'' he said surprised. "Well make it happen I need to meet her." I said through my gritted teeth. Sam got up and took a shower and I went down stairs with all my luggage and put it on the couch. Aaron was on the couch along with Jake. I was already ready so I told them to get their luggage and I would put it in my car, " thanks Colby." Jake said.
    They went upstairs and came back down shortly after with their bags and such. I was worried of how much time Sam was taking, but then I seen him come down the stairs with his stuff. "Just set it on the couch and I'll put it in the car okay?"
"Okay." He said
I grabbed 4 bags at a time and each time I went outside it kept getting lighter and lighter outside. I got all the luggage in the car and looked at the time. It was 15 minutes after 5. I wrote a note saying how impatiant I was to see my cousins so we left early and I hung it on the fridge.
   "You guys ready?" Sam looked at me
"Yeah hold on, let me tell Kat bye." He ran up the stairs and he came back almost instantly.
"Alright I'm ready now." He said with a smile.
We head out the door and Jake and Aaron are in the back while Sam is driving and I'm in the passengers seat. Aaron gives us all a travel pillow and I use it instantly because I'm still tired. I pulled out my earphones and plugged them in as Sam pulled out of the Trap House driveway. I started  listening to my MCR playlist, the first song played was "Welcome to the Black Parade," I shed a single tear for all the emos out there, and soon after I was asleep.

    "Dad!" A voice said, "dad it's you!" A small girl said. She had grey hair, but not the grey old people have, it was more of a metallic grey. She had grey eyes as well. "Hi?" I say in a confused voice. The small girl looked at me, "daddy? You don't remember me?" She started crying and she ran off into the woods. I followed. I came across a hole and figured she might be hiding in it, so I went to see.
    "Hello?" I went further into the hole and I seen the girl. "DADDY!" she yelled before being pulled into the hole.
    "AHHH!" I yelled after waking up from the nightmare.
I look around and nobody is in the car. We're pulled up to a gas station and Sam is getting gas and I see Jake and Aaron heading out of the store.
   Sam heard me yell and opened the door, "Colby! Are you okay!" He sounded worried.
"I'm fine, just a bad dream..." I explained.
I looked at the time on my phone
"3:39" it read.
  "Oh by the way Colby, it's your turn to drive. Everyone has had their turn except you, and we only have 2 hours left."
2 hours, 2 hours and I'd get to meet my daughter. My daughter! That sounds weird coming from my mind.
I'm so ready. I paused the song coming from my phone,

Colby Brocks DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now