My dad is...

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Kenslys POV

A guy just told me he was my new supervisor. My last one quit so I was scared that he would leave me too.
I ran. I ran to my hide out in the woods and I cried. He found me though.
" You like reading huh." He said as he crawled into my dark hide out.
"Just go away. You're not going to take me, no one ever does." I said while revealing my crying face as I turned around.
"Im not supposed to tell you this, but what's your last name?" Colby said.
"Brock." I said still crying.
"Nice hide out." A guy with purple hair said.
I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna tell her." Colby said while looking at purple hair and then back at me. "Are you sure a dark hole is the best place to tell her?" Purple hair said.
I went into my backpack and got the flashlight that I keep in my hide out and stuck it in the ground.
" Its not dark anymore." I said eagerly. "You sure?" Purple hair said. "Yes Jake." Colby said.
"Kensly, I'm....I'm...I'm your dad.
I was confused.
"I know Miles put you up to this. So since you helped him with this, your gonna help me get back at him." I said.
"Who's Miles?" Colby said. "Stop pretending!" I said and got my journal out of my bag.
" These are all the pranks Miles he has pulled on me and the things I did to get back at him."
"That's cool, but I really don't know who Miles is." I was really confused at this point.
I looked at Jake and then at the ground, then back at him.
"Is it true?" I asked Jake.
"Yeah." He said.
I started to cry and I crawled over to my dad! My dad...My dad...My dad. I kept saying it over and over again in my head because it sounded so weird coming from me. I gave my dad a big hug and then they told me all about the call they got and I asked about my mom, but he didn't want me to know.
- time jump to after the conversation-

" Do you wanna meet my friends?" I asked and went out the hole and across the road. My dad and Jake following closely behind me.
I stopped my friends on their four wheelers and they all took their helmets off.
"These are my supervisors." I told them.
" Thats Miles." I pointed at him with his MCR shirt he's had on for nearly a week now.
" I heard your quite the prankster." My dad said and Miles laughed for the first time in a while.
"That's Jayce." I pointed. His red hair was all messed up from his helmet. My dad nodded.
"And last but not least is Kayden." I pointed at her with a smile.
"Wait, since you have 4 supervisors that means they're gonna take you away from us!" Miles said. "Don't worry, if you guys wanna visit her I'll pay for your tickets to California. You guys can come anytime as long as we're not busy." I shot Jayce a smile feeling releaved that I would get to see him after I left.
___When Sam and Aaron walk outside___

Two other guys walked outside.
"Hey guys." The one with short blonde hair said as he was walking twords us and looked at me.
"Well are you gonna introduce me and Aaron, Colby?" He said.
"I'm kensly." I said suspecting that these were my uncle's or people who I was gonna live with.
"Woah Colby!" He started again.
"I know, I've already told her. She knows who I am." My dad said.
"What did you tell her?" Miles said nosey.
"Nine of your damn business Miles!" I said annoyed that he was being nosey.
"Kensly don..." The blonde one started to say but my dad cut him off.
"Sam don't say anything about her cussing when every other word we say is a cuss word." My dad snapped. He said Sam so I guess his name is Sam, and Sam mentioned the other one as Aaron.
"Okay." Sam said.
"So what all can you guys do on these four wheelers?" Aaron asked.
"I'll show you, I just have to run and get my other helmet MILES!" I said and looked at miles with a quick turn of my head.
"What happened?" My dad asked.
"Ask him!" I said and pointed at Miles.
"It's not my fault the tires throw up rocks!" Miles said.
Everyone was quiet.
I ran inside and grabbed my helmet off my dresser and ran back outside. I then procceded to drive with everyone else.
We did donuts, we drifted, slung mud, and did wheelies. My dad and everyone else was just watching us ride and we went on like that for about 30 minutes and then the dinner bell went off so I ran inside to take a shower.
I was sad. So sad and I couldn't stop myself, so I got into the bathroom and looked around for razor blades. I found some and I turned on the shower and sat on the toilet.

--------TRIGGER WARNING-----------

I needed to feel something other than the pain in my chest. I was only going to do one cut, but then one cut turned into two and then three and before I knew it, my arms where covered.
I got into the shower and washed my body being extra carful on my cuts. I get out and put on my clothes that were in the bottom cabnet and then Jayce walked in.
"Whats on your arms?" Jayce said.
"Dirt." I said blankly.
"Kens, I've known you forever, I know when your cutting." He said and closed the door behind him.
"You know you can talk to me, right?" He asked me.
I nodded.
"Okay, I've gotta get ready." He said and I walked out.
---5 minutes later---

We all were at the table and me and Jayce weren't talking with everyone else. I could feel my dads eyes burning a hole in the side of my head, but I didn't look away from my dinner plate. Me and Jayce were the first ones to finish and we went upstairs. I was heading into my room and Jayce said my name and jestered for me to go into his room, so I did.
"Kens," Jayce took my hand, "let me see." He said and pulled up my sleeve. He looked back into my eyes and then kissed me on the forehead. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out foundation. We sat down on his bed and he started to cover the cuts with foundation.
"Don't worry, I won't let Nicole see them." Jayce said to me.
"Thanks, I don't want to leave you here, it just breaks me knowing I have to leave." I said holding back tears.
"It's okay Kens, but you have to promise me no more of this." I wanted to say I couldn't so badly, but maybe this would help me stop this bad habit.
"I promise." I said.
"Kensly..." My dad was suddenly behind us.
"SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" Jayce said protectively.
"For sure cutting is bad, but she couldn't help it. She felt abandoned and she wanted to feel something other than that." I felt happy Jayce yelled at my dad for me.
"Jayce, it's okay, they aren't going to judge me for it.Colby is my dad. My real dad." I said regretingly.
"Kensly if you ever need to talk I'm here for you." My dad said.
I nodded and walked out.
-------Later that night--------
I had a nightmare. I woke up around 12:13 and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. On my way back I noticed Jayces door wad cracked. I went in and seen him sleeping peacefully. I was still scared about my nightmare. So I set my water down on the dresser and crawled into bed with him. I felt...safer, more secure. I felt a shift where Jayce was and I was getting ready to be told to move to the floor, but he didn't tell me to, in fact he put his arm around me. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning to the back of Jayces head. I turned around to face the door and I seen Jake go by the door and then turn around and look at us. He shook his head and signed for me to go over to him. I did and I made sure I closed the door behind me.
"What the hell are you doing?!" He asked me.
"We didn't do anything! I had a nightmare last night and he calmed me down." Jake looked at me and suddenly didn't look as mad.
"I'm cool with it, just don't let your dad see you two doing that. He might kill Jayce." He said and walked off. I went back in and layed down and went back to sleep.

Hey guys, I know this chapter has a lot to do with Jayce and Kensly, but it is to show how close they are for later on in the story. Make sure to go check out my friend Miles. One of his storys is called "Forever I Promise" and it's really good.

Until the next update,

Confused_tank out ✌️

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