On Naboo

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We reach the hangar and see Anakin by his ship. Mine is next to it. Anakin is talking to Obi-Wan and waving his arms around. "Master, Look who I found." I say as Rex and I walk to them. "Rex, there you are, I lost you for a second." Anakin says. Rex looks at me confused. "Rex told me he was never here." I say with snippy voice. "Yeah Anakin, I never saw him here eighter." Obi-Wan says. Anakin gives him a sharp look and Obi-Wan smiles. "Master, you said we have a new mission." I say. "Yes, I don't know it yet but I have a hologram from Master Windu." R2-D2 Starts a hologram and Mace Windu pops up. "Skywalker, you have a new mission, there have been reports of separatist activity on Naboo. you, master Kenobi and Padawan Ahsoka will check it out. Take one squad of clones with you. That's all." The hologram disappears.  "Rex, get your best men, we're leaving soon." Anakin says. Rex nods and takes off. "Separatist activities?" I ask and Anakin shrugs. A few minutes later, Rex comes back with fives and six more troopers. "you get in a gunship we'll fly with our fighters." Anakin says to Rex. He nods and walks to a gunship.

The cruiser stops and we reach Naboo. I jump in my fighters and Anakin and Obi-Wan do the same. I take off, followed by Anakin, Obi-Wan and the gunship. I fly to Naboo and land at the palace where we are welcomed by a droid and we follow him to a briefing room. Captain Typho Is there. "General Skywalker, General Kenobi" He says as hello. I roll my eyes. I never get greeted. "commander Tano." he says. "Captain Typho." I say. He smiles. He clicks on the hologram and A part of Naboo pops up. "the activities were sighted here." He says pointing at a forest. Anakin nods. "we should go check it out then. It's a big area so we should split up. Ahsoka you take this area." Anakin says as he points to the right corner. I nod. "Obi-Wan you take the left corner I'll take the rest." Anakin says. "We got you speeders." Captain Typho says. He shows us where they are and I jump on. "Ahsoka, be careful, we don't know who or what is in those woods." Anakin says. "I'm always careful." I say. Anakin sighs.

I reach my part of the forest and Get off my speeder. I wander around a bit but sense someone's presence. I take my lightsabers from my belt and crouch behind a tree. I close my eyes. I feel the person, but I can't find it. Then in my reflex, I jump to the left.
A lightsabers slices through the tree and mine ignite. The person who attacked me has yellow-like color saber. I look at the person closely. His or her armor is red with white stripes following the sides of the body. the mask is also red but is made of fabric, it covers half of her face. It's a she. Her hood casts a shadow over her face. but I can see she painted her face red. She lunges toward me and I quickly roll to the left, hitting a tree as I do so.

I stand up and ignite my lightsabers again. This time she Hold her lightsaber in front of her pointing it at me. Challenging me. I run toward her and swing my lightsaber at her, she blocks it with her own. I swing my other lightsaber to her legs but she jumps up, releasing the block and jumping over my other saber. She kicks me in my face and I stumble back. I feel something drip from my nose and touch it. I look at it and see that it is blood. I wipe it away and look at her. She charges at me but I push her against a tree with the Force. She hits it hart and drops to the floor. Her head falls down. I walk to her and check her pulse, she's still alive. I click my lightsabers back on my belt. I pick her up but before I do, she hits me in my face, so hard My eyes go black for a second.

Without any kind of warning she jumps on top of me and starts hitting me in my face, again and again. the pain getting worse and worse. Then it stops. I hear the sound of a blaster. the woman gets of me and throws a smoke granate on the ground. It explodes close to my face and I start coughing. I hear a loud ring in my brain. "General?" I hear from Far away. "General . Are you alright?" I hear a bit closer. I can't move. I blink and see Rex bowed over me. "Ahsoka, keep your eyes open." But I can't, I can't keep my eyes open. I hear a speeder stop near me. "Captain, is she OK?" A clone says. "Fives get a stretcher!" Rex yells. Two arms pick me up and carry me to a stretcher. "We need to get back fast." Rex says and that is the last I hear.

"Ahsoka! Rex what happened?" I hear. Somebody picks me up and carries me away. "I don't know, someone was hitting her but ran away after I shot her." Rex says as he puts me down on a bed. And now my sight goes black and I don't wake up.

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