Everyday Life

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I woke up at about 3 o'clock in the morning. Demi is still snoring nearby on the rooftop. I shook her awake, and she bolted upright.

"What time is it?" She asks as she rubs her eyes.

"Time to get some food. C'mon, let's go," I say to her as she stands. We jump down to the floor below and run.

"I'll take Shriek Lane, what about you?" She says as she stops and nods to the left.

"I'll do Rose Avenue then. Meet back here in ten?"

"Will do." With that, she runs off. I dash towards Rose Avenue and sneak in to the first house. About half a second later, I run out with food and dash towards the next house (I won't tell you how I steal the food. Why? What would a magician tell you if you asked them how they did a trick?). After my bag is filled, I dash back to the rendezvous point we had set up and wait. About a minute later, Demi dashes back with a full bag. And a dog chasing after her, barking and growling. She stops and looks at me with a panicked face.

"Hey, you're a Frostwielder, you could've just frozen it's feet to the ground," I say as I freeze the large paws of the dog to the sidewalk. She rolls her eyes as we start dashing back to our favorite alleyway. When we get back, we climb up to the rooftop.

"Man, this gets easier every day!" Demi says as she pulls out a loaf of french bread.

"Hey, don't jinx yourself there," I said to her with a smirk. "Someone might try to take your throne right out from underneath your ass."

"If that was an analogy, it was a horrible one," Demi responds, taking a large bite out of the bread. I took out a box of crackers (apparently now with twice the salt! Yay!) and took a couple out.

"It wasn't meant to be a good one," I say, shoving the crackers into my mouth. I swallow and continue. "It was meant to be effective. I don't care if it's good or not." I shove a handful of crackers into my mouth.

"Ya know, I wonder what life would be like if people didn't hate your guts. Or, ya know, anyone who could wield both elements"

"If life was like that, I would be in a paradise right now. And not some outcast." I put down the crackers and look back into the bag. I reach in and grab the only two cans of root beer I found. "But at least we got these!" I hand her a root beer, which she takes and cracks open. I crack open mine and we both chug them, finishing them in less than half a minute and freezing the cans.

"Hey Pyrre, how many pieces do you think this will shatter into if I ricochet it off of the corner of that dumpster?" Demi says, a smile slowly creeping onto her face.

"I'd say about twenty three actually. Or, a couple hundred thousand. Just depends on which side hits the corner," I say, making glasses out of ice to push up my nose. "Although, it could just not hit the corner at all and shatter into so many pieces, it would be uncountable." She looks at me with a big smile. She throws the can down. It brushes past the corner and shatters on the pavement below. Her smile fades as she hears the shattering. She looks down and curses under her breath.

"You've got to do it like this," I say as I throw  the can I had, top first. It bounces off the corner and breaks into twenty three pieces. "Also, you froze it too much. It was going to break a lot because it was way more ice than metal." Demi smiled. "Damn it Demi! You always find a way to make me nerd out, don't you?"

"Yep," She responds. "And you look so cute when you do it."

"Well, I don't think I'm cute!" I say without thinking.

"Well, that's not the point. I don't want you to think you're cute, I want you to know that I think it's cute when you nerd out. Especially with those glasses. It just brings it all together."

"Well- damn it, you win." I finally say, pulling out a spare pillow from the bag and laying on it. Demi pulls out her own pillow and lays on it. We both lay there, staring at the sky as the colors shift from midnight blue to a shade of orange.

Before I drift off to sleep, I hear Demi say, "I wish our lives could be spent more publicly rather than in secrecy."

If only she knew what was to come.

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