A Truely Royal Introduction

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The castle is huge. There's the main room, which is about the size of a stadium. The main room connects to seven different hallways, each connecting to different rooms. Two of the three to the left of the entrance are for royal bedrooms. The other on the left leads to a library, which is a little over half the size of the main room. The closest hall on the right leads to a kitchen and banquet room. The banquet room is about the size of the library, with three sets of tables that stretch almost wall to wall. The kitchen branches off from the banquet room. The kitchen is apparently constantly busy, so nobody is allowed in except the cooks, the queen, and the king. The middle hall on the right leads to a room that "is for dancing purposes only." The last hall is a sparring room, which is almost double the size of the main room. One wall is lined with every weapon you can think of. Lances, swords, axes, bows, daggers, scythes, and even a frying pan! After leaving the heaven known as the sparring room, we're taken to the last hall. The last hall, opposite the entrance, leads to the throne room. The throne room is half the size of the main room. The room looks mainly like the rest, except for one thing. The four thrones. The thrones are surprisingly all the same size, all with gold frames. The back and seat of the chair have icy blue cushions. As we walk into the room, our escorts dash to the two chairs on the far left and right. The girl is on the left, next to the queen. And the guy is on the right, next to the king.

I kneel onto one knee and bow my head as the two sit down. Demi does the same next to me. She slightly looks at me. She looks extremely nervous. I give her a reassuring smile. She smiles back and turns her head back.

"You didn't have to kneel, ya know," The king says. "Not really a requirement here." Demi and I stand up. The kings voice is cheerful, yet booming. "Hello, my name is King Janus. Next to me is my wife, Queen Blanche. And your 'escorts' are Princess Chris and Prince Memphis, though I wouldn't suggest saying prince or princess to them. They don't like it." The two siblings glare at the king as he says the last part, and the king chuckles.

The king is a broad-shouldered man with a scruffy brown beard. His hair is long and combed back, though not long enough to go past the middle of his neck. His eyes are the same as his children. His skin is the same as his son's.

The queen is skinny and has paler skin. Her hair, which is tied back in a braid, is an electric blue, and her eyes are a deep violet. She's observing Demi with a confused look on her face.

"What are your names?" The queen asks, shifting her gaze to me. Her voice sounds very stern.

"Well, your Highness," I say. "My name is Pyrre Frost, and the lady next to me is the wonderful Demi Kristaline." Demi glares at me, though her blush is obvious. I give her a mischievous smile. We both turn back to the royal family. Their faces are of shock. "Did I say something wrong? I feel bad now." I quickly say. The smile fades from my face. Demi is very nervous, trying to look everywhere but at the queen. I look back to the queen and see a single tear fall down her face.

"There's no way that that girl is Demi Kristaline," The queen says, her face still in shock. "She is dead. She was murdered by Flameblooded." More tears stream down her face.

"Demi, what's going on here?" I ask. "You told me your family died in a fire. Just like they're saying you died. So who died in a fire?!"

Demi looks at me with tears in her eyes. I could see the pain.

"We all thought Demi died," The king says, his voice shaky. "We thought she died in a fire caused by Flameblooded. We could never find her."

"I thought the same of you guys," Demi says, her tears streaming down her face and dripping onto the floor. "So I ran. As far as I could. Until I was found."

"Who found you?" Memphis asks.

Demi slowly points to me. Instantly, all four of the others in the room look at me.

"So, hold on, can I just ask a question really quick?" I ask. "So I found, took care of, taught self defense to, stole from stupid wealthy Flameblooded with, and made friends with a princess?" I look back and forth between the five.

"Um, yeah. Also, why did you just ask?" Demi says.

"Sorry. Just needed some clarification." The king looks at me with tears in his eyes.

"So, not only are you powerful enough to knock down my son and daughter, who are possibly the best in the kingdom. But you also found and taught my lost daughter, and brought her back to me. Any other amazing qualities?" The king's voice is filled with happiness as he asks.

"I'm so glad you asked, Your Highness," I say. "Oh and by the way, she's just as powerful, just without the fire. Now, this place is fireproof, right?" The king nods. I motion for Demi to back up, but she darts to her father's side. She whispers something into his ear. His smile grows and he hugs her. He then sits back.

"Show me what you've got. All the fancy stuff. Just don't kill anybody."

I bow slightly and take a deep breath. Demi puts up a water barrier. The king sees this and confusion comes across his face. The other royals then put up barriers.

I tap my foot on the ground once. A stool made of ice appears from the ground in front of me. I step onto it and make it rise slightly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I now proudly present the most amazing spectacle you will ever see! So please: enjoy the show."

A smile creeps its way across my face. I raise the platform higher and higher, until I'm about half a yard high. I then jump off the back, feet-first. As I'm going down, I create an ice dagger and cut away at the platform. I land on my feet and watch the shards fall. I shatter them mid-air and send them back up. I conjure many fireballs and throw them up, melting the ice. I let the rain fall and create five columns of ice behind me. I take my ice dagger and some fire and carve out a statue for each of the royalty in front of me. I then jump up from the bottom to the top of Demi's statue. I perch on the shoulder and create a block of ice. I throw the block of ice up and melt it until it's just the right size, then I leap up to it, carve out an icy rose, and land on top of the head. I carefully place it at an angle above her right eye. I wink at Demi before I jump off. I spin as I dive towards the floor. I stop spinning and raise my fist up, then slam it down onto the ground, then erupt multiple columns of flame around me. I spin and absorb the flames with my hands, stop, and bow.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all night. Or for however long ya need me!" I look up at Demi and wink. Her cheeks turn as red as a rose. I smile and stand. The king and queen are staring at the statues behind me. Memphis starts clapping as he stares at the statue of himself. Chris starts clapping too. The king and queen join in as they all drop the water barriers. And Demi can't stop blushing as she looks at her own statue. "Did I get the good side? I tried my bes-"

"That was amazing!" The king says as he stands.

"And that was just me showing off. I haven't even fought anyone yet. Although, you did say don't kill anyone," I say with a huge grin.

"Do you think you could move behind the thrones?" The queen says. "Or maybe along the walls?" I nod and turn to the statues. I shatter the King's and move the shards behind the throne. As I move them, I reform the statue. Seconds later, it looks as if I originally made it there. I put the Queen's next to it and put the statue of Memphis and Chris lining the left and right walls respectively. I then take Demi's and put it in between the King' and Queen's, rose and all.

"Damn," Chris says. "That is probably one of the most impressive things I've seen in awhile."

"How would like to work for the royal family?" The queen asks.

"Please, I would do it for free," I say. Demi rolls her eyes at me.

"Well then. Perfect," The king says.

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