Questions and Cells

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Dr. Gold takes out a syringe and immediately plunges a purplish liquid into my right leg. Pain shoots up my leg and quickly spreads throughout my body.

"Ow! What the fuck, bitch?" I scream out.

"Well, now anytime you lie, you will feel intense pain. And before you say anything, no, we don't call it truth serum." He rolls his eyes as he says the last bit. "Now, I will ask you questions about your past, present, and future."

He starts asking questions, such as How old are you? Where were you born? Where did you live as a child? Shitty past stuff. Then he starts asking questions about how I've lived since I was 13. That's when I turn on the trickery. I evade every question to deal with Demi and almost every one to deal with me. He becomes so frustrated, he just gives up and asks one final question.

"What did you have planned for the future?" An idea pops into my head. I get up close to him, right next to his ear and start talking in the most evil voice I could think of.

"I was going to live until the demons of Hell take my soul and rip it into so many shreds that they'll have too many scraps of nothingness to deal with, so they piece my lifeless husk back together and throw it back to haunt the tortured souls known as subjects of the kingdoms. Wouldn't that have been fun? Well guess what? You just decided in your head as soon as you picked up that syringe to speed up the process. Congratulations scumbag."

Dr. Gold takes a step back and walks to the door. He takes out a walkie-talkie and says into it "you can have him now." A smile creeps across my face and I start to laugh evily as he leaves the room. About two minutes later, two armed guards walk in and lift me by my arms. They carry me to a white van outside (for some reason, the building I was in only had one floor). The van drives for about an hour before we arrive at the big house itself. Mount Yveer. The only prison in the world (that we know of). I smile as they take me out of the car and carry me up the long staircase leading up to the bland, gray walls surrounding the prison interior.

"They finally caught this scumbag. Man, they finally got smart, didn't they?" One of the guards says with a smirk. The other guard looks down at me.

"You really are an idiot, aren't you Mercury?" The other guard asks.

"See, this guy's the smart one, aren't you?" I ask the second guard. "So, when are you going to escort me to my cell?"

"We're taking you to a cell full of the worst criminals in here," Mercury says. "Wade here told me it's because you're dangerous, but I think it's just because everyone wants to see how many you can kill."

"Mercury, shut up before I tell the king! You know how he feels about your theories." Wade says.

"Oh, am I popular within one of the royal castles. Or is there just one now? Do they have castles now that we have technology?" I say quickly, trying to be annoying.

"Not to boost your ego, but you're the most talked about subject within Silmthyr. Not Nytmerius though. They really don't care about the 'hybrids' as much as Silmthyr." Wade finishes and we stop at the door.

"Oh finally! Please put me in a cell! I want to see who fears me! It'll be very entertaining!" I say with a crazed look.

They take me to a large cell, take my handcuffs off, open the door, throw me in (literally), and lock the door shut. I stand and look around. There are four people in the room with me.

"What's your name, kid?" A pale, skinny man says. His hair is dyed red and his eyes are a pale green.

"The name's Pyrre Frost. What's yours?" I say.

"Well, I'm Blake. The fat one over there," He says, waving a hand to a fat, dark skinned man with no hair and bright yellow eyes, "is Michael. The one in the other corner," He waves his hand to a muscular, pale skinned man with no hair and dark blue eyes, "is Jacob. And the miss behind me," He points to the short, pale skinned girl with platinum blonde hair and gray eyes, "is the little darling known as Rei. Just to let you know, she is not a ray of sunshine."

"Nice pun. I think I'm gonna like you. So, how'd you guys end up in this hell hole?" I say, a smirk forming on my face. My silvery hair falls over one of my violet eyes (for those who were wondering).

"We exist." They all say in unison.

"So, you too? How'd you all get caught?"

"Well," Blake starts. "Jacob and I got caught as soon as our 'test' was over. Michael was living on the streets for about a year before they found him sleeping in an alley. And Rei never told us how she got caught. She doesn't talk much. And don't try. Let's just say, there used to be five of us." He wines slightly after saying the last bit.

"What about you kid?" Jacob says, crossing his arms.

"Let's just say," I begin. "I'm only in here because I didn't want to see my partner in crime get burnt to a crisp by the assholes sent to find me. Hell, I'm surprised they didn't put me in my own cell after how many bodies I left." As soon as I say bodies, Rei looks at me.

"Oh, so I'm not the only murderer in the room. Well, at least you and I have reasons for being here. These guys are just unlucky enough to exist. Well, you might be interesting. For a change." She says this all slightly quick, as if she wanted to get it out as fast as possible so she could crawl back into the dark corners of her mind.

"Well, is there any other beds?" I say. Michael points to the corner behind me. "How did I not see that? Well, wake me when the world ends. Or just, whenever. I don't care." I lay down, my bones aching and my muscles sore. I drift away into a deep sleep. And a dream decides to crawl its way into my mind.

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