Failing and Falling

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I'm woken up at around midnight by Demi, shaking me awake.

"They found us!" was all she had to say for me to realize what was happening. I got up and looked over the edge of the roof. There were police cars and sirens blaring for at least a mile radius. There were both Frostwielders and Flameblooded, elements ready.

"Wow. Seems like discrimination is the answer to ending the war. Perfect sense" I said with a smirk. I grabbed my bag. "C'mon. We gotta go."

Demi nodded and picked up her bag. We both ran, jumping from building to building. Suddenly, fireballs started crossing our paths. I put up a barrier of water (I said ice in all forms, didn't i?) around Demi and me and continued to dash away.

"Where are we going?" Demi asked as we ran.

"Wherever to get away from these idiots." I reply.

"Why don't we fight fire with fire?" Demi said, a smile forming on her face.

"You read my mind." I say, stopping and dropping the barrier. I walk to the edge of the building and put my hands up. "Oh no, the coppers got me!" I say sarcastically. "You guys don't learn, do ya?" I light my hands on fire and step down. As soon as I land, I make columns of flame erupt around me, blowing away everyone near me. Ok, there are twelve scrawny officers around me. Seven are unconscious, and the others are getting up. Let's hope they like the taste of their own burnt flesh. I direct the columns to the officers, burning and charring their clothes and skin. The three who're left alive all scream out in pain. I freeze their nostrils and mouth shut, along with their hands to the floor. I climb up the side of the building I came down from and look for Demi.

Demi is on the roof, try to ward off some Flameblooded. I quickly put a barrier of water around her just as a fireball almost hits her. I send my own fireball, though twice as big, and make sure to engulf as many officers as possible. I didn't miss a single one.

"Next time, don't mess with my partner in crime," I say to the charred corpses. "Now let's go!" Demi's gaze lingers on me for a couple seconds, then she nods and starts to run. I put back up the water barrier around us and start running.

A couple minutes later, we stop to catch our breath. It was one of the biggest mistakes I'd ever made. We lean over, breathing heavy. I become so tired, I'm forced to lower the water barrier. And that's when a see the fireball. Aimed at Demi's head. I rush over and push her out of the way, the flames rushing across the left half of my face. The last thing I see is Demi's tears as the blow sends me falling off the building. And then I black out from the pain.

- - - -

I wake up to feel chains. Chains connected to my hands and feet. And connected to the floor of wherever I was. I sat up and feel pain shooting through my arms, legs, and chest as if I had been stabbed my a thousand tiny needles. Then I realize what had happened.

Damn it, now what am I going to do? I hope Demi got out of there. I look around at what appears to be a hospital room. The walls are bare and white, the floors tiled and white as well. There's one door in the room, on the opposite side of my hospital bed. I look at the corners. Sure enough, in one corner of the room is a camera. To my left on the wall is a TV. The static from the TV and the soft clink of chains are the only sounds emitted in the room.

"Hello? Is this really the best cell you could give me? I expected gray and bars! Not a hospital bed and The Static Show!" I yell at the camera. The red light on the camera goes out and there's a click in the door. So no more camera and an unlocked door.

The door swings open and a man walks in to the room. He's wearing a white lab coat and a pair of thick, red glasses, though the glasses have no lenses.

"What's with the no lenses? Are ya just trying to look scientific or something?" I say to him with a smirk.

"I'm surprised you're still alive after getting half your face burnt and falling from three stories high. Then again, you have probably done more than that tonight. Or yesterday technically. Anyways, I'm Dr. Gold. And I was told by my superiors that I get to run tests on you for exactly twenty four hours before I send you to the prison you will be assigned to. But for now, let's get started. First, I'll run some tests. Second, ask some questions. And lastly, put you through unimaginable torture. How does that sound?"

"It sounds like you're not a doctor, and this is not a doctor's office. It sounds like this is a dungeon and you aren't the kind of person who likes puzzles."

"Are you always this talkative?"

"Yeah, it's kinda natural."

"I guess I'll just have to take that from you. Oh, we're going to have fun, aren't we?"

"Depends on what goes on that TV."

"Shut up you little shit! Or I'll actually kill you!"

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