A History Lesson

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I can tell that Ghost Lady wants to see me as soon as I start to sleep. I sit up and see my sleeping body. I walk up to the top floor and step inside the room. She's already waiting, sitting on the bed. She stands as I walk in.

"I see you're learning well," She says as I walk to the telescopic window.

"So, what are you going to talk about today?" I ask as I spot Demi. She's still got the same outfit, but she's sleeping on a roof, much closer to the prison than before.

"The origin story," She says, her gaze leading to the floor.

"What about it? I've known it since I was ten," I say, just noticing that she had gotten up and walked to stand beside me at the window.

"What really happened. Because it's a lot different from what they teach you. I'm one of the few people that knows the truth," She puts her hand on the window. The window shifts and becomes more like water. She motions for me to walk forward.

"Wait, so I'm gonna walk in and see what really happened?" I ask, looking at the liquidy window.

"Just trust me. You'll see." She points to the window. I walk forward through and a bright light invades my eyes.

- - - -

When the light dims, I'm on a grassy hill. At the top are the three siblings.

Wow, I really am seeing what happened. Strange as it might be, I want to see how this plays out. I walk to the top of the hill to see what's happening. The two 'special siblings' are standing over their other sibling. The other sibling is curled in a ball, seemingly crying.

"Hey Demi, stop being a crybaby, get up, and fight!" The girl says. "Me and Pyrrhus just want to help!"

"What is beating the crap out of me going to do, Irie?" Demi asks. Wait, that's weird. Her name is Demi. Is that just a coincidence?

"Well, you did say you wanted to die, didn't you?" Pyrrhus asks, a demonic smile creeping across his face. His eyes are bright orange. His hair looks like literal fire, with embers raining behind him. By the time they hit the ground, they've already cooled.

"Fuck off! I only said that because you guys pick on me every day! If you two didn't exist, I'd probably be the only special one here!" Demi is screaming through tears. She looks like an almost exact replica of my partner in crime. The only difference is that her hair is curled and midnight.

"Ok then, you little prick. How about you say that to my arrow?" Irie says, a similar smile to her brother's forming on her face. Her eyes are bright blue. Her hair is long and straight, and there are small snowflakes sprinkled towards the end. It shines a brighter blue than her eyes.

Suddenly, both the smile siblings are blown away. Their sister is unharmed. She looks behind her. A man is standing behind her. And what do ya know? I have a doppelganger! Although, I'm technically the doppelganger. Anyways, he holds out his hand to OG Demi. He smiles at her (which looks amazing by the way) and starts speaking.

"C'mon, let's get away from those sickos. I'll help ya. Name's Pyrre. What's yours?"

Demi appears to be in shock. Her words are still through tears, but her voice is now calm. "M-my name is Demi." She takes his hand. Suddenly, my vision shifts.

I'm now in what looks like an arena. It's about as long as a football field (we're modernized idiot, why wouldn't we have football?). In the middle, there are two people fighting. OG Demi and OG Me. They're only doing hand-to-hand combat, but it soon shifts. OG Me pulls out what looks like a silver katana.

"How good are you with those knives?" He asks, smiling. OG Demi draws to daggers, both made of silver, though the handles are encrusted with diamonds. That must hurt.

"Probably not enough to win, but I'll take any challenge." She smiles and gets into a ready stance.

"Well, guess I'll do the same." He sheaths the katana and pulls out his own daggers. Their both made of silver, but the handles are made of gold. Or at least they look gold.

They both ready themselves, then lunge. There's many sparks flying as they meet, blades constantly deflecting and jabbing. Then, Demi knocks away one of Pyrre's daggers and jabs. He protects his now vulnerable heart with ice.

"Damn, I yield. Nice job kid." Pyrre says, the smile never fading (though I'm quite glad it hasn't faded, this guys looks amazing).

"When will you teach me to use magic? That's all I really wanted to learn." Demi says, putting away her knives.

Pyrre does the same and says, "There's only one way for me to teach you, and I'm sure as all hell, you're not ready! Now let's get moving. Those villages aren't going to raid themselves!" They run towards the only visible exit. My vision shifts again.

I'm in a small village. All of the villagers are running from the entrance. At the entrance stands Pyrre and Demi (I can't get used to this shit). Demi draws her knives. Pyrre lights one hand on fire. He points it at the nearest house and unleashes a fireball that glows a bright white. The house bursts into flames and instantly spreads to all the other houses.

"Don't leave survivors. They don't deserve corrupted souls." Pyrre says, his voice dark and intimidating.

"Corrupted? I thought they were just farmers. What did they do?" Demi asks.

"This is one that raised me. And also tried killing me every day." He responds, throwing a fireball at the nearest villager. Demi lunged at villager after after villager, until all that was left was the ashes of the houses. My vision shifted.

Last place, I promise. Ghost Girl says. When my vision is in focus, I'm in a field. In the distance, a large cabin is in flames. Pyrre and Demi are walking away from the flames.

Pyrre smiles at Demi, and Demi smiles back, though her smile has grown evil. Suddenly, an arrow comes flying out of the air and hits Pyrre in the back. Right where his heart. He falls to the ground and Demi rushes to his side. Tears start streaming down her face. He looks up at her.

"Before I die, I need you to take my abilities. So they'll pass on." Pyrre says, blood flowing from his chest and back.

"How? You never told me." She responds.

"Finish the job. End me. It's the only way." He groans from the pain.

"If I must. But first." She pulls him closer and kisses him. She then took out a dagger and raises it above his head.

"See you later, darling." The blade drives through his forehead. Demi starts glowing a brilliant white. She stood and looked down at herself. She stopped glowing. Her hair and eyes have changed to the colors of Pyrre's. Another arrow was fired. She burned it as soon as it got near her and sent a fireball the size of the burning cabin. She then dashes forward towards the location of the arrows. She drives her daggers into the hearts of both her siblings.

"You both deserve worse. But I'll save that pain for the demons to deal. See you in hell, you good for nothing sacks if shit." She rips out the blades and stabs them through their foreheads. They fall to the floor as she rips the daggers out. My vision shifts.

- - - -

I open my eyes. I'm back in the room. Ghost Girl is sitting on the bed.

"You know the rest of the story. She takes their weapons and locks them away. Yada-yada. Whatever. She doesn't see them in Hell. Or Heaven. She doesn't go anywhere. She locks herself away, only to be forced to haunt her grave. I'll tell you more later. Before you leave though, I have a warning. There's one person in that cell that shouldn't be trusted. And it isn't the one you knocked out."

With that, I am flung back through the floors and shoved in my body.

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