The Start of Something Different

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I wake up a couple hours later to the sound of keys and the creaking of the cell door opening my eyes dart open and immediately go to door. One of the other prisoners from outside is opening the door. Idiot. The prisoner runs away, leaving the door open. I look over at the others. They're all looking at the open door. They then look away and start having conversations. I walk to the open door. The prisoner is running to the next cell and trying to open it. I send a fireball at him. It connects with his face just as he turns towards it. He flies back and falls to the floor.

"Get a life, dipshit!" I yell at him before closing the door. Seconds later, a guard walks over and makes sure the door is shut. The guard walks away and I look back at my cellmates.

"What the fuck dude? We could have gotten out of this hellhole!" Michael continues yelling at me.

"You obviously didn't pay attention to the guy. He had a badge. He was trying to trick us. It's what some guards do. Besides, no sane person would walk by a cell with me in it and decide to let me out. They would be too fearful. Or shocked. Either one. Maybe both." Michael gets up and walks over to me, his stomach bouncing as he walks. He swings his hand to slap my face, but I duck underneath and, with my hand set on fire, uppercut him right in the jaw. One of his teeth fly out, and I catch his tooth and burn it to ashes. His head hits the roof of the cell, knocking him out.

"Damn. That was fast," Blake says. "I thought he was gonna take at least two hits. That was just pitiful on Michael's part. By the way, how come your face isn't burnt or anything? Did it just heal perfectly in less than 24 hours?"

"Wait, what?" I ask. I create a mirror of ice and look at myself in it. Not only has my face healed, but even my hair has grown back. "How in the living hell?"

"Hey, Pyrre, you've got visitors," Jacob says from the corner, gesturing towards the cell door. I look up to see the guards that brought me here. Mercury and Wade.

"Oh hey! Look it's Mr. Theory and his intellectual buddy! How's it going?" I ask, melting the mirror and walking towards the door.

"The man in charge wants to see you. He says it's personal, though I don't think he got the right meaning. We gotta handcuff ya, so be prepared," Wade finished speaking and pulled out some keys.

Mercury's gaze lowers to the unconscious Michael on the floor. "Wait, you did that, right?"

"Self defense," I say quickly. "I swear, your superstitions and shit like that are so stupid and illogical, that it almost makes you seem like you could be secretly smart. I don't plan on killing any of these guys. Though if it comes down to it..." I smile and look back at the rest of my cellmates. Rei is the only one that doesn't shudder.

Wade opens the door and puts handcuffs on me. He locks the door behind him and leads me out. "Mercury, keep watch over here and don't talk. I will know if you did." Mercury nods at Wade's warning and turns to the cell. Mercury leads me up the stairs to the floor with the Mess hall. He leads me through the tables filled with prisoners, eating in silence. He leads me to a door opposite the kitchen. He quickly shuts the door behind us. We walk down a very long hallway, which eventually ends at a door. The only light in the hall is above the entrance door, so it made the door difficult to see at first. Wade opens the door and walks me inside.

He seats me in a chair in front of a large desk with a chair faced backwards. The chair turns around to reveal a decent man. He has jet black hair slicked back. He has somewhat pale skin and a very serious look. His eyes are a shade of red. He's wearing a suit and tie, all of his outfit being as black as his hair. He smiles at the sight of me.

"Wade," The man says in a deep, but calming voice. "Can you please wait outside the door? I'll call you back in after I have a word with the prisoner." Wade nods and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

"So, why'd you call me, of all people, into your fairly decent office?" I say, looking around the room. The walls are bare and painted a baby blue. There's a flat screen TV in the corner of the room and a couch in the opposite corner (width wise, not length wise. If otherwise, it would be really hard to see whatever show you're watching). Behind the man is a wall that's made of bulletproof glass. It gives a perfect view of the one place I had spent my life, Silmthyr.

"I wanted to tell you a few things. I only called you in here because one, you're the newest prisoner. And two, you're street smart. But first, I'm Wolfe. I kinda run this place, though it isn't what I would like it to be. But before I start rambling, here's something to hopefully gain your trust." He opens a drawer to his right and pulls out a can of root beer and tosses it to me. I melt the cuff off of one hand and use the free hand to catch it. I shake off the other cuff and crack it open.

"How'd you know?" I ask Wolfe, a smile appearing on my face. I take a drink, downing half the can in seconds.

"Found some shards of a can in the alley below where you were hiding. Anyways, I wanted to tell you how the system works. I don't run the system. The man in charge, woman actually, is the queen of Silmthyr. Queen Serena. She runs the entire system. In fact, this prison, your floor specifically, is the reason for the current war going on. The King and Queen of Nytmerius disagree with the imprisonment of these so-called 'hybrids'. Silmthyr's royalty thinks opposite. That's why they have us separate you guys from the rest. Now, me myself, hate these laws against the 'hybrids'. I, um..." He leans closer to my ear and starts to whisper. "Me, Mercury, and Wade actually are 'hybrids', we just disguise it." He backs away and starts talking normally again. "Some of the Frostwielders tried to start a riot against the Flameblooded royalty. That resulted in the disappearance of the only Frostwielder princess. She was going to take her test the next day. But there was a huge fire and she went missing afterwards. That's why nobody messes with the law of the Flameblooded."

"So, um, what's any of this got to do with me?" I ask, crushing the empty can of root beer.

"You don't realize your popularity, do you? Haven't you ever seen the riots filled with signs that talk about you? What do you normally do during the day?"

"Sleep. That's it. I'm more nocturnal, but I can stay awake in the day."

"Well, a lot of people support you. It's the only reason people don't hate you. Because you're one of them. I wanted to bring you in so we could bring down this evil that's against people like us. Look, what I'm trying to say is that I need your help. And I can provide anything necessary to help."

"I have one condition."

"What is it?"

"If I break out of here, but manage to keep in touch, you have to promise that the only reason I come back here is to talk to you."

"I promise."

"Also, I need more root beer. And maybe some lollipops or suckers or any sweets on a stick."

"Anything necessary."

"Then we have ourselves a deal." I stick out my hand and Wolfe shakes it. We both sit back down.

"Wade, come in here and take him back to his cell please," Wolfe says in the direction of the door. Wade walks into the room and walks to me. I stand and he grabs my arms and leads me out of the room. He walks me back to my cell and opens the door. Mercury is staring at Michael, who is still knocked out. But at least he's breathing. The others are just talking with each other about unknown subjects. I sit on my bed and the door shuts behind me. But not after Wade slips me a root beer. I silently thank him and store it next to the head of my bed. I decide to lay down and try to sleep. Which had a questionable outcome.

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