Escaping with a Prisoner

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She instantly throws a fire ball at me. Typical. I sidestep to avoid it. She dashes forward and swings at me with her sword. I step back and barely avoid the attack. I continue to dodge and block attacks, trying to test her limits. Then, she starts rapidly attacking me with a combination of fireballs and slashes from her sword. I barely avoid the attacks.

"Ooh, nice rapid fire round," I say with a smirk. "But it's gonna take a lot more than that to get to me darling. C'mon, you can do better. Can't you?"

She puts her hand up towards me. She hesitates slightly, but then her hand starts to grow frost on it. A giant spike made of ice shoots up from the ground. I hold my sword against the tip of it as it reaches me and hold it there. I then cut the closer half of the spike off and let it melt on the floor.

"See, I knew ya had it in ya. Now, how would you like to be a prisoner?" I ask with a devilish grin.

"Wha-" She's cut off by the ice that forms handcuffs on her hands.

"Oh, and if any of you move, you die," I say, pointing the sword at the other three. "Now, where's the exit to this place? It's kinda hot in here."

"Up your ass you filthy scumbag!" The queen says. A spike of ice shoots up and barely touches her chin.

"Tell me where it is or your head comes off you piece of shit."

"It's down the hallway behind that door," The king says, pointing to a door on the opposite side of the room. "The exit is through the last door on the right. Please don't kill any of us. Please." His voice is shaky. The younger daughter has tears in her eyes. The queen is sweating like crazy.

"Thank you. Don't worry, I won't kill you" I say. I walk to the door and pause. "Yet." I walk through the door and go to the end of the hallway.

As I leave, I see the city I had left behind before. I walk through the streets until I find the one alleyway. I attach the handcuffs on Siphelia's hand the end of a garbage can.

"Why the hell did you take me?" She asks as I lean against the wall.

I look up at the midnight sky. "Simple. We're alike. Besides, I have questions."

"Who says I'll answer?" She asks. She tries to cross her arms but is unsuccessful.

"Me. I'm sure you know by now that I can be very persuasive." I search the wall for a hole and find it. I reach my hand in and pull out a bag. I reach in and find some food and root beer. I pull out a root beer and a box of cheese crackers. I sit down near Siphelia and open the box. I eat some of them and then hand the box to her. I make sure to take off the handcuff on one hand so she can eat it. She takes it and starts eating. I crack open the root beer and chug it.

"So," She begins after eating some. "What do you want?"

"What's the name of your brother?" I ask, crushing the can in my hand.

"Why?" She asks. "What's he got to do with this?"

"Just answer the question."

"Blake. His name was Blake. He was put in that prison because he was labeled as a disgrace. He could wield both elements, so he was discarded."

"Hm. Well, lucky for you, I guess. You're gonna see your brother again. And not in custody or some shit."

"How the fuck do you expect to get him out?"

"He's already out. He's the only one I tried getting out that actually managed to keep himself alive. Now I suggest sleeping. We got some walking ahead of us." I climb up and onto the roof. "Oh, and don't try breaking or melting your way out. It won't work." She grunts and lays down. I lay down and look at the sky until sleep embraces me.

- - - -

My dreams aren't exactly pleasant. I emerge into the room in the prison from before. I immediately recognize where the window once was. Most of the room is blackened by flames. And the three carcasses still linger in the room.

"So, how's that rebellion coming along?" A familiar voice says. I turn around to see Ghost Girl (or Demi if you prefer) standing behind me, her hands behind her back.

"Eh, I hope it's working. 'Cause otherwise, this is all pointless," I say while shrugging.

She chuckles to herself. "Believe me, you're doing something right. Just as a head's up, Blake remembers who he is. I would suggest hurrying back within the next few days. Otherwise, he might try to kill his way back to his family."

"Oh fuck. Then I need to hurry up. Man, now we got two prisoners then. Damn it!"

"Don't get cocky either. That will get you killed."

"Got it. Any other advice to help me not fuck up this pitiful world?"

She thinks for a second before responding. "Someone close is hiding something from you."

- - - -

I bolt up right. It's about eight o'clock in the morning. I look down to the ground to check on Siphelia. She's curled up on the ground, sleeping, even though she still has one hand cuffed to a garbage can. I climb down and grab the sack of food. I tap Siphelia's shoulder once and she jolts awake.

"C'mon. We gotta go," I say to her. I make sure to take the handcuff off of the garbage can and onto both of her wrists. She rolls her eyes at me.

"Do you have to handcuff me?" She asks, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Well, I can't fully trust you yet. Besides, you'd probably try to kill me as soon as you got the chance. So for now, you're cuffed. Got it?" She nods. "Good. Now follow me. We got walking to do. And maybe some running."

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