The Last Drops of Blood

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We walk down the hallway and into the throne room. Before we walk in to the room, the queen shoots an arrow at both of us. I block both arrows with a wall of ice. I melt the wall and we continue to walk in.

"What the hell are you doing here? And what's with the girl?" The queen asks, furious.

"Well, seeing as your 'disgraceful' children decided to murder her family, we thought we'd return the favor," I say with an evil grin.

"Well, why should we care?" The younger princess says from her throne.

"Well, seeing as it was a royal family and you happen to be the only other one," Demi says. "Also, your family happened to be the murderers. So I think you get the point."

"Oh I find it very clear," The king says as he stands up. His height is twice mine. The queen stands and readies another arrow. The princess stands and draws a rapier.

"So, it's clear that the floor is about to be covered in blood, right?" I ask as I make a shortsword in my hand. It's the same design as the one Demi drew. I see her look at it and smile as she pulls out her daggers.

"Yes of course," The king says. "We'll make sure you bleed a lot." His expressionless face becomes an evil, almost demonic smile.

The king picks up a longsword from the side of his throne. He points it at me. I point my sword at him. "Demi, you can take care of the other two, right?" I ask as I ready myself. Demi nods.

The king charges forward and swings his sword forward. I duck under it and stab upward. He dodges back and swings his sword down. I roll to the side and jab at his arm. It hits him, but he brushes it aside as if it was nothing. He picks the sword up and swings at me. I jump over the sword and bring mine down on his arm. It stabs into him, but when I try to pull it out, it breaks off. I throw the piece in my hand at his face as he tries to turn to me. He reacts by trying to hit away with the arm I just stabbed, which then leads to him adding the other piece to his arm. I create another sword and run at him. He swings his sword forward and I slide under it, then kick my legs out, hitting him in his left knee. He doesn't even flinch at the pain. He kicks me in the side and I go flying and hit the wall behind me. The king starts to walk towards me. I get up and look at Demi. She's already cut the head off of the princess (what was her name, Candace?) and is making the queen into a fountain of blood. When the king reaches me, he brings his sword up and tries to swing it down. I roll under his legs and jump up, trying to use my sword to stab into his back. But he swings his other arm back and slams it into me, causing me to hit the wall on the other side of the room. It try to sit up, but the pain in my side stabs at me, preventing me from doing so. The king walks to me and holds the sword in front of my throat. The cold steel against my throat somehow makes me want to laugh.

"Any last words, criminal?" He asks with a smirk.

"Just a question," I say as I see Demi stab through the queen's heart and look at me. She runs to me, but stops halfway. "You do remember that I wasn't alone, correct?"

The king turns around and I see Demi do the most unexpected thing. She holds her hand up to the king and says "Burn, bitch". A spiral of flames erupts from her hand and starts to swarm around the king's face. He drops his sword and tries to swat away the flames, but starts to fall backwards. Demi then creates a giant spike of ice from the ground and it stabs right through his gut. She walks over to his face as he tries to slide himself off of the ice. She leans next to his ear and whispers "Any last words?" The king opens his mouth to speak, but can only scream from the pain. "Well, I gave you a chance." She shrugs, then creates a large fireball in her hand and holds it in the king's face, burning it to a crisp. Seconds later, all that's left is a stump on a body as she melts the ice.

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