Directly Within Enemy Lines

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I wake up in a bed surprisingly. In fact, just waking up at all was surprising. I expected to at least be gagged and tied to a chair or somehow bound. But no, I wake up in a bed with velvet sheets. After silently cussing at whoever captured me for their laziness, I take a look around the room. As I stand to look around, I notice the camera in a corner of the room. I look directly at the camera for about five minutes before looking around at the rest of the room.

The walls all look as if buckets of blood were splashed all over them. The floor is carpeted, but it's decorated in a similar way to the walls. In the corner with the camera is a small table with two drawers. Both drawers have nothing inside them. The bed I was on is on the opposite side of the room, near the door. The only other thing in the room (which is strange for a room trying to contain me) is the door key, which is on the floor in the middle of the room.

"Ok, so whoever is keeping me captive is either stupid on a whole other level, or oblivious to my abilities," I say loudly while facing the camera. "Because there's no other explanation for this amount of stupidity. So there better be at least five guards outside. Otherwise, somebody's going to die."

I pick up the key, expecting some kind of trap. There wasn't one. I unlocked the door. Still no trap. I opened the door and looked into the hall. No guards. I make ice daggers in my hands just in case. I walk out to see the hall is torchlit. There are no other doors and only one way seems to lead to anything. There's just a wall at the other end. I walk towards the end without a wall and find myself in some kind of torture chamber. The walls are lined with shackles and torture devices. Honestly, don't want to get into detail on the guillotine. Or the people in the room. Let's just say, I rushed to the opposite end of the room where a door was. It wasn't even locked. I stepped into some kind of throne room. Oh fuck, I thought as I looked around. The place was empty. The walls were bare except for the occasional curtained window. The curtains were a deep red. The floor was just as bare, but there were occasional blood splatters. The throne looked slightly charred, but was still a sight to be seen. It was about the height of an elephant. The seat and back had velvet cushions. The rest was made from what looked like gold. There were no other thrones in the room. This can't be real. There is more than one royal family member here... right? Just then, I heard talking in the next room, which seemed to be on the opposite side of the room as the door I entered from. As I entered, I saw why the last room was empty.

There were four separate thrones in this room. Each one was occupied. Only one actually had a guy sitting in it. He looked like the king. The rest were all girls. The oldest, which looked to be the queen of this castle. The rest were younger. The older of the two looked about sixteen and the younger looked fourteen. The only one who didn't have jet-black hair was the older daughter. She had silverish hair. The queen's eyes were scarlet. So were the king's and siblings'. All except the silver haired one. Her eyes were green. The queen was arguing with a butler.

"Are you kidding me?" She asked him. "You gave him that room? He's a prisoner! Not a guest! You're lucky you're the only butler here. Otherwise, you'd be fired. Literally." The butler shook slightly as he stood in front of the thrones.

"Ya know, I could say the same," I say, leaning against the wall while pointing a dagger at the butler. "The key was sitting on the floor. Not to mention, I'm pretty sure that camera's busted. Also, I don't think tortured and chained peasants are good guards. Kinda sad to be honest. You could've at least had a puzzle or something. C'mon, challenge me!" The butler starts backing up slowly. The royalty are all staring at me. "Oh, also, Mr. Butler Bitch. I wouldn't suggest leaving. I can still kill you from here. And I'm pretty sure they can too. I mean, do ya wanna die? 'Cause I can help with that."

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" The queen says to me. The butler takes this as an opportunity to run. I make a wall of ice in front of him. He looks at me.

"Oh sorry, you guys like fire, huh? My mistake." I turn the ice into flames. "Now then. I'm Pyrre Frost. Former prisoner because of discrimination. Master of murder. I was supposed to be a guardian for a princess. But that got me kidnapped. Also, those things were easy to kill. Seriously, bat mutants? Anyways, um, anything else ya wanna know?" The queen starts to stand, but is blocked by the arm of the king.

"Yes," The king responds. "Who were you protecting?"

"See, I'm gonna choose not to answer that. Mainly because I don't want her to die. 'Cause if she does, I probably will too. I more ways than one."

"How come nobody's seized him?" The queen asks.

"Oh please. That's an easy question. They fear me. Especially that wimpy butler over there."

"Can I kill him?" The younger sister asks. Her voice is slightly high pitched.

"No, he could be useful to us" The king says.

"Correction. You assholes can kiss my ass. Especially since you haven't even introduced yourselves. C'mon, how rude can you be?" The queen looks as if she's about to erupt like a volcano. Hmm, how fitting.

"Very well," The king says. "I'm King Ignatius. My wife here is Queen Serena. And these are my daughters: Candace and Siphelia. I wish my son could be here, but he's a disgrace. Like you."

"Hey wait a minute. You're the only reason I could get my friend Blake outta that godforsaken cell. He had no excuse to get out anyways. Thanks Queen Ser... Um, should I even show respect? I mean, you guys are kinda fucked up assholes, so..." That really got to the queen. She got up and pulled out a bow. She instantly fired it at me. I burned the arrow before it reached me.

"Serena," The king began. "Sit down. Siphelia can take care of him." The silver haired girl glared at him. She rolled her eyes and stood up. She drew a sword and lit it on fire. She pointed it right at me.

"Let's just get this over with," She says in an annoyed voice. "I'm already done with your talking."

"Ooh, right down to business I see. I like you. I might be able to try this time." I make a sword of ice in my right hand. "No that's not right." I light it on fire. "That's better. Now, shall we begin?" A devilish smile creeps across her face.

"I thought you'd never ask."

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