Chapter 10 - A Star is Born

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Two minutes after exiting the Fizzure building, Beth walked the alley toward her car. Her heart thumped in her chest. She was no longer a simple college student, hoping to enjoy her final months of school. She was a super-powered woman, able to defeat multiple attackers in combat. Her legs trembled with excitement.

With the excitement, though, came guilt. Beth was using fantastic powers like the heroes in John's books - to save a loved one. Just like she had mocked. It was as if life's events were mocking her in return. Mocking her for enjoying this. Mocking her for feeling excitement.

She was making a difference, though, just like John's heroes. Or so she hoped. She needed to get the photographs back to Stanley and see if they made sense to him. She needed to find out if he had hacked the Fizzure network.

"There you are!" an urgent voice pulled her from her contemplation.

Beth looked up to see Rita, the girl from her earlier encounter in the alley, running toward her. Rita wore a frantic look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Beth asked, standing with her hands on her hips. She narrowed her eyes as Rita stopped in front of her.

"It's Ray and Malcolm - the guys you beat up earlier," Rita began, breathing hard. "They're causing trouble again."

"What kind of trouble?"

"It's the news crew. One here for the festival. The reporter and his camera lady, and some old guy they were talking to. They're in the alley, in trouble with Ray and Malcolm. Help them!"

Beth glanced down the alley and saw the men near a dumpster, half way to the next intersection. They stood over two men and a woman, who lay on the ground looking up at their attackers. A large video camera sat on the ground next to the woman. Beth gritted her teeth and balled her fists at her side as anger shot through her.

Ever fiber of ever being screamed at her to run down the alley and help them. But she thought of John's words. You don't always need to butt in when you see someone being victimized.

And this wasn't part of her plan. She had one goal tonight, and it didn't involve being an avenging hero for strangers. Trying to be a hero and not listening to John had gotten her in this mess. But she couldn't peel her eyes away from the scene in the alley. Ray had just thrown a punch at one man, who dropped to the ground.

Beth turned from Rita and sprinted down the alley. Ray and Malcolm never saw her coming. Beth led with her feet as she leapt through the air, smashing into Ray's back and driving him to the ground. As her feet touched down, she swung a fist that smashed into Malcolm's face. He launched through the air, landing in a heap fifteen feet away.

The graceful woman looked back at Ray. He turned from his stomach onto his back, and looked up at her with fear in his eyes.

"Oh shit, it's you," he muttered.

"That's right," Beth said as she reached down. She grabbed him by the arms and hauled him to his feet. Still holding his arms at his side, she hoisted him off the ground. He looked down at her, eyes wide, as his feet dangled in the air.

"I could throw you further than I threw your friend, and break you against the building," she said. Her voice was terse and crisp, but still carried a girlish quality.

"Please, no," he pleaded. "I'm sorry. We won't hurt nobody."

"I'm supposed to believe that?"

"I promise! Never again!" he said, his voice rising in pitch and volume.

Beth glared at him with her blue eyes, setting her jaw.

"Get out of here," she said. "If I ever learn of you messing with anybody again, you'll have to answer to me. Got it?"

"Yes! Yes! I got it."

Beth released her hold, and he dropped to his feet.

"Now beat it!" she snapped.

He turned and sprinted away, helping Malcolm to his feet before they disappeared from sight around the corner at the end of the alley.

Beth turned to the TV reporter, his camerawoman, and the old man with them. They remained on the ground, looking up at her with awe written across their faces. She noticed Rita creeping up closer to watch.

"Like an angel," the old man murmured, gaping at her with wide eyes. "A sapphire angel."

"Are you okay?" she asked, ignoring his comment.

They nodded.

"Thanks to you," the reporter said, his voice barely a croak.

Beth smiled, before turning and sprinting away. From behind her, she heard Rita's voice call.

"You go, girl!"


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