Chapter 29 - Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

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"It's just over that ridge," Stanley said, pointing off to their right. He had pulled the SUV off to the shoulder, under the canopy of a copse of trees. "This is probably the safest spot to check things out. We can't risk them watching the main drive. We can go on foot from here."

"No offense, Stanley, but you'll never make it up that hill," Ethan said. The hill rose at a steep angle and was filled with rocks and rough brush. The climb would be easy for an experienced climber, but impossible for an old man well past his prime.

Stanley sighed. "That's why I brought you, Ethan. In case we ran into something like this."

Ethan wrinkled his brow as he studied the hill, before nodding. "I can do it."

"Here's a two-way radio, and a camera with a zoom lens," Stanley said, extending a small bag. "Just see what's happening over the ridge. Find out if Beth is here. Don't play hero. Find out, get a few photos, and get back down here."

Ethan didn't argue, but took the bag. After testing the radio, he exited the car, gave Stanley a nod, and started his climb.

The way was rough, and he nearly tumbled down on more than one occasion. By the time he reached the top his jeans were torn and his knees were cut. But in 20 minutes he had reached the summit.

He crept forward through some thick growth, staying low to the ground. His heart beat with excitement. He was afraid, but hadn't felt this alive in as long as he could remember. He was doing something real, and not sitting at a computer or doing schoolwork. He didn't have to remind himself, though, that this was serious. Beth was in trouble and counting on him.

The growth parted to afford Ethan a view of a small clearing below. An expanse of forest surrounded the clearing on three sides, with the hill on the other. A field covered in weeds sat to one side of the clearing. Ethan saw an old farmhouse, with faded paint, sitting across from a low structure that looked like a covered animal pen of some sort. A decrepit barn sat off to the left. Long grass, well in need of a cut, lay between the buildings.

He saw movement, too. Six men were in view, and at least some of them appeared to be carrying weapons. He needed to get closer to determine if there were more.

As he edged forward, a click sounded near his right ear. He froze and glanced sideways to see the end of a barrel of a shotgun, inches away. He looked up from a pair of black boots to a man in jeans and a black t-shirt, with a thick beard almost as dark as the shirt.

"Doing some spying on us, boy?" the man said. "We'll see about that."


As she inched the door open and looked down the hallway, Sapphire Angel looked for the two men she had seen upon her arrival at the house. Three men, not two, stood down the hall to her left. A tall, lanky man in the middle was speaking, while a bald man and a bearded man laughed at his words. The bald man's head was covered in tattoos, while the other man's beard was so thick and unkempt he looked like he had come straight out of the wilderness.

The front door was to her right, unguarded, and the men hadn't noticed her. She could easily flee now if she so chose. But she wasn't here to flee.

The men's heads jerked up in surprise as she burst from the room and darted down the hall at them. They raised their handguns, but Sapphire Angel was among them before they could shoot. The stunning heroine batted one weapon away with her left hand and threw a punch at the bearded man with her right. She suppressed her full strength, throwing off her timing. She still landed a glancing blow to his face, which was enough to send him to the ground.

Before the men knew what was happening, the costumed woman spun and swung at the tall man. As her first smashed into his face, the man's eyes went blank and he dropped to the ground. A smile crossed the blond beauty's face. She was slowly getting the hang of how to control her strength.

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