Chapter 28 - Resist

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Beth looked up as the man approached her cell. It was the man who had leered at her earlier.

"Let's go, your terms are fine," he said, unlocking the cell door with the key from the hook, and gesturing for her to exit. She still wore the handcuffs, so she took a moment to right herself and stand. When she moved out the door, Beth glanced back at him and saw his eyes travel up and down her body. She looked away.

As he directed her from the barn toward the farmhouse, Beth counted six men walking the grounds. Three of them talked among themselves, walking together, while the other three marched alone. All six men gazed at the beautiful woman walking toward the farmhouse.

When they reached the house, she noticed two more men downstairs, milling about in the hallway. One of the men was tall and lanky, while the other was bald, with tattoos covering his head. They held handguns at their sides, and eyed her from down the hall.

She glanced toward the room holding her costume and necklace, but the door was closed. With a nudge, the man behind her directed her up the stairs. She reached the top of the stairs, stepping into the middle of a short hallway with a door at each end, and one straight ahead.

After waiting for direction from the man behind her and getting none, she turned to face him. He looked between the three doors, hesitating, before nodding to the door on the left. She walked to it.

He opened the door for her. She glanced in, doing a quick scan to see if any items jumped out at her for O'Shea to use to pick the cell locks. She needed more time to find out.

"There are towels in the bathroom," he said. "Sorry, but no change of clothes."

"I can't exactly shower with my hands cuffed," she said over her shoulder, holding up her hands.

He stared at her. A battle seemed to go on his mind, as he bit his lip and shook his head. A smile came to his face after a few moments.

"Why don't I help," he said, and gave her a push into the room. She stumbled and whirled to face him as he kicked the door closed. Their eyes met, and he was on her instantly.

She tried to get her cuffed hands up, but he plowed forward, wrapping one arm around her. As he pulled her close, her arms were pinned against her chest. She opened her mouth to scream, but he clamped his other hand over her face. He forced her backward and pushed her onto the bed. He leaned into her, and she felt his hot breath on her face as he spoke.

"You're a high class piece of ass," he said, breathing heavily. "You ain't fooling me with that innocent face. The way you move that hot body. That ass. You want this, don't ya? It can be our little secret."

She tried to bite the hand over her mouth, but he pressed down on her with enough force she could barely get her jaw open. Beth froze his other hand slipped from behind her back and tried to work its way between their bodies. He leaned back to give his hand room as he reached for the button at the front of her jeans.

When he leaned back she saw her opening, lashing out at his throat with her cuffed hands. She didn't hold back, hitting with all her strength, and keeping her fingers tucked in and her knuckles extended.

As the blow smashed into her attacker's larynx, his eyes bugged out in surprise, and he wheezed and reached both hands for his throat. Beth jabbed again, extending her fingers and going for his eyes. As she connected, he opened his mouth to scream, but only a sharp wheeze came out.

Her attacker stumbled back, reaching for his eyes instead of his throat. Beth's eyes darted about, spotting the lamp on the nightstand. She lunged for it, sliding away from him. She seized it with both hands, coming up swinging.

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