Chapter 20 - Endings

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"His vitals are fading," the doctor explained in a soft voice. "He doesn't have much longer. Maybe less than an hour. Two at the most."

Beth, Stanley, and Mrs. Devor stared at the doctor for several moments. Beth couldn't bring herself to speak, knowing she would burst into tears if she tried. Stanley found his voice first.

"Is he comfortable?" Stanley asked.

"Yes," the doctor nodded. "And we'll continue to do everything to make sure he remains that way. But he won't regain consciousness. The nurses are with him now adjusting the painkillers. They'll finish in about five minutes, and then you can stay with him."

They thanked the doctor and he left the meeting room, leaving the door open. They wandered out to the waiting area, where the television was playing. Beth's head jerked up as the station transitioned to a commercial, but not before it teased a segment for the morning news.

"Is the Sapphire Angel story a hoax?" a gravely male voice asked, as an image of the costumed heroine filled the screen. "The national networks seem to think so, as they've yet to cover this story. But our very own Ryan Addington knows better, as he's encountered the stunning heroine twice now. Tune in to News 6 tomorrow morning to hear Ryan discuss his latest encounter with Sapphire Angel, complete with the latest footage of the woman in action. You'll also hear Ryan address accusations that he's fabricated the whole thing."

A commercial came on the screen and Beth exchanged a quick glance with Stanley. As they looked away, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Crazy times," Ethan's voice said.

Beth spun, rushed to Ethan, and enveloped him in a hug. It was nice to have John's best friend here for comfort. Ethan's presence made Beth feel as if she wasn't alone in this. As wonderful as Stanley and Mrs. Devor were, they were much older, and their relationship with John was different. Ethan's feelings were closer to hers right now. Almost as if sensing this, Stanley and Mrs. Devor moved away toward some seats in the waiting area.

"I'm glad you're here," she murmured as she pulled away from her hug. Ethan's presence was comforting not just for her, but because it was one more person here for John. Everyone important to John was now at the hospital.

"You hanging in there?" Ethan asked, looking down at her.

She nodded.

"Mrs. Devor called to fill me in. I'm so sorry, Beth."

"You're losing him too," Beth said as tears filled her eyes.

"Yeah, I guess," he said, his voice trailing off. "I wish I could have talked to him one more time."

"I'm sorry you weren't here for that, Ethan."

"It's my own fault," he said, shaking his head. "I went home for just a bit, and this Sapphire Angel thing was all over the television. I got caught up watching it, and didn't realize the time."

Beth froze for a moment. It felt strange hearing Ethan refer to her alter ego and not realize it was her.

"You haven't heard?" he said, misunderstanding her reaction. "It was just on the TV there. There's a girl in a blue and white costume going around beating up bad guys. Just like a real-life superheroine. There's even video."

Beth felt her face flush. She pulled her large bag closer to her side, remembering her costume stashed away in the bottom. "Oh, I'd heard. I just didn't know it was a big thing."

"A real big thing, all over. Although News 6 has the edge because they have some actual footage."

"Wow," Beth said, feigning surprise. "Do they know who she is?"

Ethan shook his head. "That's the funny part. The camera got a good look at her. Unlike the guys she was fighting, who were at a distance and in the dark. She was strikingly beautiful, so you'd think somebody would recognize her. But nothing."

Beth bit her lip, and over Ethan's shoulder saw the door to John's room open and nurses exit. They nodded to signal they were done.

"Let's go see him," Beth said, turning to make sure Stanley and Mrs. Devor were joining them.

As they entered John's room, the face of the doctor at John's side told her all she needed to know. The doctor looked up, his lips tight. John was still breathing, but it came slowly and was barely audible.

As the doctor stepped away to a position near the door, Mrs. Devor moved to one side of the bed and Stanley the other. Mrs. Devor took one of John's hands as Stanley placed a hand on his son's shoulder. Beth took his other hand, and watched her boyfriend through tear-filled eyes.

"We love you, Johnny," Mrs. Devor said softly. Beth couldn't bring herself to speak.

The minutes ticked by. For once, they moved too fast. It didn't take long for the end to come. John's breathing continued to fade until it stopped with a barely audible gasp. The monitor next to the bed showed a flat line, but didn't make a sound.

Without a word, the four most important people in John's lives lowered their heads, huddled together, and cried.


An hour later Rick Malone finally spotted his prey. There was no mistaking the petite blond woman, who was not much more than a girl. She walked from the hospital exit, her eyes red with tears. There weren't many women in the area with her size, or with her looks. She wore a light brown sweater, and jeans tucked into a pair of brown suede boots. She was slender, with long blonde hair.

A man about her age walked with her, as did an older couple. The older couple had to be the Devor kid's parents, he figured. He didn't know who the other guy was.

This would be easier than he thought. He lowered his head as they neared his car, which he had parked in one of the first spots of the garage. He could hear them speaking. The older woman said words he couldn't make out, and the younger woman spoke just as they walked past his car.

Her voice was raspy, as if she'd been crying, but was still almost childish in its timbre. "After Ethan drops me off, I'll get my things together and check out. My car is in the garage by the hotel, so I can drive myself over."

The group passed out of sight and Malone pressed the button on his dashboard to start his vehicle. He watched as the four people made their way up the slope of the garage. The girl and the boy stopped at a Toyota SUV halfway up on the left, while the other couple continued moving, eventually reaching a maroon Ford Taurus.

The Toyota SUV passed by first, followed by the Taurus. He waited a few seconds before pulling out of his spot. He drove through the open gate of the garage and out onto the streets of the city. The Toyota only went one block before turning left, as the Taurus continued straight toward the on-ramp of the interstate. Malone stayed with the SUV, following it as it circled around the block and came to the Hilton, a block from the hospital. The SUV pulled into the drop-off lane.

Malone had to drive past so as not to raise suspicions, but he watched in his rear-view mirror as the blonde girl got out of the car and trudged toward the front entrance of the hotel. Moments later the SUV pulled back on to the street.

If the girl was checking out of the hotel, as she had told the older couple, her car would be in the Walnut Street garage, connected to the hotel. She would use the walkway between the hotel and the garage. At this hour of the night, the garage and walkway would be empty.

Malone smiled as he dialed his mobile phone. Seconds later the voice of Steve, his partner in crime, answered.

"Hey," Steve said.

"Incoming your way," Malone said. "The kid's parents just left the hospital, and should be headed home. Be ready for them."

"How are you making out with the girl?"

"I should have her any minute now. I have to take care of a few surveillance cameras and then wait for her."

Malone ended the call and steered toward the city garage. Devor's girlfriend would be in his clutches soon. He just had to be patient.

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