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Amelia's POV

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Amelia's POV

I just can't believe that I met my bestfriend, he's same but've become handsome than before

I've seen him in various magazines because in his teenage he's and still's the famous social media sensation if he wouldn't be in business, I'm damn sure he'd ve been a model or an actor .

After having dinner we're talking in the family room I's sitting with Carver on a couch beside my Mum Dad on left while Uncle Rick and Aunt Elizabeth in front of us they're discussing about how everything has changed in Fifteen years including me ...

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After having dinner we're talking in the family room I's sitting with Carver on a couch beside my Mum Dad on left while Uncle Rick and Aunt Elizabeth in front of us they're discussing about how everything has changed in Fifteen years including me and Carver .

"Melissa what are your future plans and hobbies" Aunt Elizabeth asked in curiosity

"Aunt presently I am preparing to be a lawyer in my father's company but as we moved here so because of merger deal I'm not sure" ,I answered

"Why're you not sure child we all'll support your decision whatever you want to be you and Carver are equal to me", Uncle Rick answered while passing a smile to my dad.

"I agree with you my friend Rick, everything that we owns belongs to Amelia and Carver only" ,my dad said.

"By the way Carver how was the meeting ,I never got a chance to ask"his father asked

"Dad they agreed to give us the deal on some conditions which they'll tell to you because of my angry nature in a conference call which'll take place few minutes later in your office room which also requires ,Uncle Zen and me too" he replied

"Never imagined that people fear from Carver see him he is so cute, a polite and a good guy". my mum spoke finally.

Uncle Rick and Aunt Elizabeth started laughing

" Oh! Tia you don't know him he's only silent and polite in front of us when it comes to his work you'll doubt your decision ", she replied trying to control her laughter.

Carver was little pissed off so he said

"Ok stop everyone Dad and Uncle time for the meeting" with that those three left.

"Let's have our girl talks" my Mom said

"It's very rare that there're so many people in the house usually I am left alone in the house while Carver and Rick are working late" ,Aunt Elizabeth said

"It somewhat same in my case as Amelia used to comes late with her father from office and I have to get up early to reach my clinic so we all didn't get enough time to spend together "my mum said

She was right when I was in teenage she and father used to leave me alone with a creepy looking nanny name Pipl she was very bad and used to ask me to do her work while she used to rest in my bed plus she used to blackmail me if I told my parents she will cut my hair and make me look ugly in front of my friends once accidentally I spill the beans in darkness to her thinking that it was my Mom as she was standing in my mother 's room after that she did the most unhuman thing that no one could have imagined she brutally beat me but as my mom and dad were busy they didn't notice my wounds because very rarely we saw each other in morning while I was in school and in evenings they're at work after few months my Mom as she was on maternity leave ( but she lost the baby in an accident) noticed my reaction seeing the nanny so she came to know that something is wrong she saw CCTV footage was Pipl used to do she immediately fired her and send me to hostel because after that she never liked to leave me alone and as she was a busy person including my Dad. "

"On earth Melissa ,What were you thinking about ?" Mom brought me out of my thoughts

"Is this about a Guy? Do you have a boyfriend? What is his name? Do he treats you well"? Elizabeth asked

"Control Liza Control " my Mom paused and added

"Ask one by one it's not a question show "

"I was just thinking about my experience on how depressing living alone can be "I answered .

She nodded and said

"What about Your boyfriend do you have one"? This's the last thing I want to talk about.

"No,Aunt I just broke up with him few days back" Mom also listened she was sending diggers in my direction if looks'd kill I'd be dead by now oh shoot I am screwed now.

"Why? Did he do something wrong? Did he harm you? I have warned you Amelia about that Guy but you never listened? His whole family is like that You know how much your father hates that Guy" ,my mom shouted

I can sense how angry she is but I don't have an idea why she and Dad hates them so much , my Mom never shouted on me like that .

It's the reason why I wasn't able to control my tears.

"Stop Tia it's enough, just see her face she is crying",Aunt Elizabeth said

"How can I stop Liza, he is Adam Williamson's son"Aunts eyes widened

I can see about how shocked Aunt Elizabeth was "I haven't expected this from you Melissa ", was the only thing she said it was almost a whisper.

"Amelia Go to your room", mom said

"We'll deal with it later"

"B...bu..but ,Mom" I said

"Amelia Go to your room right now,it's an order" she almost shouted .

I've to find out just why these two over reacted on a small break up and just why they hate the Williamsons .

I've to find out just why these two over reacted on a small break up and just why they hate the Williamsons

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