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"The water shines only by sun,and its you who are my sun"~ Charles de Leusse

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"The water shines only by sun,and its you who are my sun"~ Charles de Leusse

Amelia's POV

"Amelia don't think we don't trust you but child Anna is together with Carver since years and they both love eachother a lot",Aunt Elizabeth said.

"But Aunt she's cheating on him why can't you all understand",I tried to explain to her.

"See darling it's his life we're no one to interfere in it let him do whatever he wants to",she said kissed my temple.

"Have some rest we're going for shopping if you want something tell us",

"No I don't want a anything",I  said in a rude tone but instantly felt bad realising what she's saying is correct.

"Sorry Aunt Elizabeth I wasn't able to control my feelings"

She smiled "It's ok Melissa",she paused "Let me tell you a secret I too don't like Anna at all" and added

"You know I've a strong feeling that this marriage wouldn't last long so don't worry take a break"


"No buts sleep",she cut me off and left first she only said that they're together since years and now she's only saying that this marriage wouldn't last long.

I just don't have an idea what is happening but I know only one thing that ,I don't want Carver to bear same heartbreak as me it's so much painful but if no one is listening to me I will not interfere in anything, I give up.

I'll already made it clear that I'll not attend the wedding and see Carver destroying his life, so I booked a flight to Australia because I miss my friends and dad had a business there that I'll be attending on his behalf until this bullsh*t is over, I packed my stuff and prepared myself up.

......Dinning table.....

"Amelia when are you leaving"dad asked

Everyone looked surprised because just me and dad knows about my trip

"In an hour ", I replied

"Where" they asked in a unison manner .

"Actually ,Rick I left some important documents back at my house in Australia that's why I'm sending Amelia there to bring it for me" Dad answered

"But what about the wedding", Aunt Elizabeth asked .

"Will you not be there to help us and be my maid of honour", Anna added with a smirk on her face,I glared at her

I just rolled my eyes  "I don't have time for that" I answered

"Melissa if you don't attend my wedding, then don't expect me to attend yours" Carver started with a scowl on his face

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