Bonus Chapter ONE

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"You makes my life complete"

Eight years later.


This was the story of my love life ,I said to my seven year old daughter Angela and found her sleeping  I rolled my eyes and covered her with a duvet, she's like her father he was out on a business trip since two weeks and is returning today she was missing him so I told her the story her two year brother already slept

I decided to clean the room, time flies so quickly it felt like yesterday when I and Carver was forced to be married and soon we're gonna to celebrate our eight year wedding anniversary .

Suzzie give birth to twins boys recently ,Eric and Anna are now our friends we celebrate holidays together and our parents shifted to Australia our business grew into a multi billion dollar company,my love towards Carver increased .

I decided to cook dinner for him it's already eight and he's gonna to return from a business trip anytime soon,I miss him already.

I put pizza in oven and went to drink water but flinched when someone hugged me from behind but sighed knowing the familiar scent.

"Missed me",he asked.

"Yes more than you missed us",I faced him and started kissing him ,Everytime he kiss me their is something new about it ,I experience like if we kissed for first time.

"I missed your touch sweetheart
let's make a third baby",he said while giving wet kisses on my neck .

"S..Se.See da..darling f..first  ..s.something you might be h.. hungry after a long trip",I said while he continued kissing and threw my jacket off my shoulder.

"Did you eat",I nodded cause Angela didn't eat alone.

"Yeah because of that little princess  of mine",he said.

"Actually I too ate before coming to house so that nothing comes between you and me",he said and threw the shirt I was wearing on couch, I was only left in my bra and shorts.

"First let go in room otherwise the kids will wake up and I don't want to be embarrassed",I said and he smirked.

He carried me in bridal style towards our room and closed the door.

Putting me down his eyes grew darker and he pinned me towards the wall started kissing me ,he smashed my bra into pieces and started sucking my breasts.

He then put my shorts off and ,I helped him to get rid of his shirt, he carried me towards the bed and entered me ,it has been his habit that whenever he returns from a trip without spending sleepless exotic nights and talking with me he didn't do anything at home.

"Amelia you and our children makes my life complete",he whispered in my ears and went towards the washroom.

"I love you two" ,I shouted

More bonus chapters coming soon.

Till then

❤❤LOTS of LOVE ❤❤

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