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Amelia's POV

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Amelia's POV

I ran into my room and shut the door with a thud.
I felt hot tears streaming down my cheeks .

Why my life is like this?I hide my face in the pillow

Eric cheated on me with that b*tch .

My own mother believe that cheater over me .

The person who I claimed as a bestfriend trust that girl over me .

My mom humiliated me infront of everyone, right now I don't have any idea about what to do.

I don't know when I drifted off to sleep but when I woke up it was six in the morning my pillow was soaked with tears ,I was sleeping in my Yesterday's dress .

I got rid off my jeans and shirt and went towards the washroom in my undies.

I stood in front off the mirror to see myself what is wrong with me why no one can love me .

I too have curves but that aren't as good as Anna's why everyone compares me with her .

Again I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

"When on earth you started thinking about what others think about you Amelia?",my innerself asked me

"If they don't like you it's their problem, don't gave the  F*ck to them",she said

"Don't cry Amelia, you are not weak just don't"

"You have to be strong to prove that Anna wrong"

I just  hate crying, I decided to have a hot shower and prepare myself.

I wore a pink dress and sit in my bed playing in my phone.

I wasn't sad now but disappointed by Carver ,he trusted that girl over me ,I don't consider him as a friend anymore he's just a playboy billionaire for me who just loves his money and is not a little cute boy who used to be my friend.


Once one of the my friend whom I trusted the most tried to gossip wrong things about me to my other friends and Carver was one of them everyone trusted her except of him he even stood up for me,when I asked why he did that then he said the most precious thing that no one in my twenty three year old life he said that ,

"He will believe and trust me even if ,I betrayed him a thousand times".

But that was the time when we were kids he didn't know what he was saying .

I just don't know what is the real motive of Anna a few days back when I called Suzzie she said she and Eric were together.

Do,within a week they broke up?

And according to Carver they both are together since a long time.

Now I have only one option to call my Knight in the shining amour that is Suzzie I was about to call her until my phone rang it was her.

"Hey ,Amelia are you all right, I just was feeling sad for no reason, so I decided to call you",she said.

This is what our friendship is, when she is sad I am sad and vice versa our bond is extremely strong.

"Yeah,babe I am , I just miss you", I replied.

"What happened" ,she asked with a concern.

I told her everything about what happened

"That bitch" she said through gritted teeth

"Don't curse tell me what to do "

"You're saying she's getting married to Carver but Amelia here I came to know that your d*ckhead ex proposed her and he took her to his hometown to get married"

"What"  I just can't control myself hearing that Eric proposed her warm tears started rolling down my cheeks Suzzie heard my sobbing and sniffing.

"Amelia are you crying ,that jerk didn't deserve you ,don't waste your tears on him"

"Are you listening to me AMELIA" .

"Suzzie, I'll call you back, I need some time to think about all this".

"But promise me you will not cry then only I will cut the call", she said .

"I promise", I said.

"Melissa dear please open the door,no one is here", It was Aunt Elizabeth .

I needed someone to comfort me and she is the only one who can do it because my Mom never had time for me now also she must be helping Anna for her wedding.

She just hugged me.

"Sit down child I am starving because you haven't eaten since last night,I also choose to be hungry"

It's the first time in my life that I slept without having dinner and that too cause of a guy .

I's never like this, I've to change myself.

I realised it now I was wasting my precious tears for wrong people Aunt Elizabeth is the person that worth them.

"Let's eat together" she feed me with her own hands and I did the same there was complete silence until I saw everyone watching us including mom,dad, Uncle Rick and Carver .

"Amelia we are sorry ",they'll said in a unison manner.

"Anna and her lover are upto something big ,I don't want to see any of my family hurt because of cheaters"

"Anna and her lover are upto something big ,I don't want to see any of my family hurt because of cheaters"

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What does Anna want??
I feel sorry for Amelia??

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❤❤❤❤Lots of love❤❤❤❤

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