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Amelia's POV

We said our goodbyes and left the wedding venue to Carver's own house because Elizabeth made him stay in her and Rick 's home unless and until he is not married because she is very well aware of his carelessness, as usual, the car ride was silent Carver tapping on his laptop and me feeling sleepy, and when I feel so my mind goes blank and the only thing I want is my bed.

"How long is the ride, Carver ", I found myself asking.

"Just twenty minutes more", he replied.

I have noticed that he doesn't speak much, he just replies to the question that's asked, and always keep engrossed himself in his work plus he behaves rudely to people other than his family or acquaintances.

"Melissa why are you staring at me like that", he let out after glancing me staring at him.

"O...Oh, I am not s... staring, it's just"

"Because I am feeling sleepy, that's why" I muttered

"Well it looks creepy", he confessed, I rolled my eyes at him 

If I weren't feeling so sleepy, I would have taunted him of being so annoying.

"Sorry if you feel so", and I ignored him the whole ride watching nothing but trees.

We reached a big but small for a billionaire like Carver, a beautiful house with a large garden, it was really beautiful with numerous windows and three balconies.

"Ahm, so Melissa I apologise but we have to share the same room", Carver hesitated while saying that.

"What but why"

"Actually, I have only two bedrooms in my house and Mom ordered my workers to clean only one because I rarely come here, otherwise you can take the livingroom's couch", he said.

"Come on be a gentleman, Why can't you sleep here and let me use the bed", I asked

"You know I spent the whole day working and it's only night time when I get some rest and I am not habitual on sleeping on the couch", he complained

This is incredulous

"So, what do you think, I sleep on couch daily", I shouted

"Ok, so we have no option but to share the bed, but keep your hands to yourself", he yelled.

I rolled my eyes at him

"It's you that should keep yourself controlled not me, and how can you change in one day", I literally yelled at him

"Oh Mrs  Anderson stop rolling your eyes at me, and you should be thankful to me that you're the only one who is getting the chance to share my bed for free", he said

Mrs Anderson sounded alien to my ears and gave me a feeling that I cannot describe.

I have no energy to protest, so I choose to give it up "Ok".

The hall was beautiful

The maids helped me with my suitcase to a big master bedroom

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The maids helped me with my suitcase to a big master bedroom.

Carver was already in the washroom, so I decided to take out my night clothes which were an oversized white shirt and underwear, I cannot sleep without taking a shower, I took out the jewellery and other things on the dressing table till the time ...

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Carver was already in the washroom, so I decided to take out my night clothes which were an oversized white shirt and underwear, I cannot sleep without taking a shower, I took out the jewellery and other things on the dressing table till the time I was only left with my dress he came out in just his sweatpants without a shirt, I stared at his perfectly toned body with biceps and abs surely it was perfect.

"Are you done staring", he said with an annoying smirk on his face.

"Shut the fuck off Carver, I needed your help with the zip of my dress", I  lied.

But I find it romantic when Guys helps their girls with the zips.

"You can't even do such a small thing on your own", he asked incredulously

"Please, I don't want to sleep in this uncomfortable dress", I pouted

I put my hairs on my right side so that he can unzip my dress without harming my hairs, I can feel his hot breath against my neck and when he was done I felt his mouth getting closer and closer to my neck and his fingers were tickling my back making me quiver but his phone rang and I ran to the washroom with my clothes.

I deliberately took a long shower to avoid an encounter with him by the time I was done, he was asleep on the right side of the bed and the wall of pillows separating the two sides, I switched off the lights and drifted off to sleep without caring what future has stored for me.

Hope you guys like the chapter don't forget to vote and share.

❤Till next time lots of love❤

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