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“And in her smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars

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“And in her smile, I see something more beautiful than the stars.”~ Beth Revis

Amelia's POV

What the heck is happening, they just decided it themselves, and why just Carver agreed to this shit, I was so frustrated that I nearly broke everything in my room now I need to call Suzzie to get her advice on this, I know there is no use of calling her because she will always favour my parents.

Here we go.

"Hey Amelia I was about to call you to give you some great news", she said from where does she get this much enthusiasm.

"Finally something great happened, what is it ", I said in boring tone.

"Why you're always this boring, you spoiled my mood", she said letting a fake cry.

"Whatever you know our Maria got engaged to love of her life Jacob", she said

Maria never calls me she is a shy girl.

"This is wedding season or what", I said.

"Amelia darling it's not me or you it's just Maria", she said

"I am coming to that point it is the reason that I called you" I sighed

'I am getting married to Carver '

"Wait what you just said I just want to confirm you said 'you are getting married to Carver', is it a joke or what", she said with the same enthusiasm.

"I'm serious", I said.

"H..How just it happened, A.Are you pregnant because till yesterday he was getting married to that annoying Anna and now you, I want details, I am going to be your maid of honour, when is the wedding".

I think I have called the wrong person.

Shut the fuck off Sue, Wedding is after six days, If you want you can come, I will tell you the details then only, I shouted.

Ok sorry, I am packing to reach you, a day after tomorrow.

With that, she cut the call and I rolled my eyes.

"Melissa dear you aren't ready yet, we have so much work to do, first we have to go for cake testing and after that to choose your dress and we even have not informed our friends or relatives about the wedding", Aunt Elizabeth said.

"Aunt do really we have to get married? Is there any other option"? I said.

"Is my son that ugly", she said

"N..No, I am asking that because I think I will unable to keep him happy and it has been only a few weeks since I broke up with Eric, and I am not ready to get married", I said.

"Melissa how can you judge the book by its cover and I am sure that Carver will never give you any chance to complain and if he did then you can come to me, Ok now just go and get ready", she said.

Five days later

Wedding is tomorrow and I can't believe it me Amelia James will become Mrs Anderson and there is no sign of my fiance Carver nor my dad or Rick, I didn't expect that they love their company more than their family.

"Amelia what are you doing there alone, the makeup artist will be arriving any time soon, bring your stuff from upstairs". Suzzie said.

She is a pain in the a*s, since the day she has arrived we have to get ready for the bridal shower but I don't feel like having one because I hate loud music .l was on the way to my room when somebody grabbed me by my wrist I was about to shout but I stopped by noticing the familiar fragrance.
He took me into the drawing room where unfamiliar Guys were sitting.

He cupped up my cheeks and brought his pink lips near mine, His brown eyes were directly staring in mine, Oh God ! what he is trying to do my heart was pounding like anything, I am sure that he can also hear my heartbeats and then he did the most unexpected thing his lips captured mine and he kissed me passionately.

He cupped up my cheeks and brought his pink lips near mine, His brown eyes were directly staring in mine, Oh God ! what he is trying to do my heart was pounding like anything, I am sure that he can also hear my heartbeats and then he did the most ...

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Ahm, so what just happened

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Ahm, so what just happened.

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Until next time


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