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Amelia's POV

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Amelia's POV

Our tongues were dancing in each other's mouths, he untied my hairs,electricity was radiating into our bodies .

"For heaven's sake Amelia wake up,today is your wedding",someone threw a pillow on my face.

Was it a dream ? "no it wasn't" my conscience said .

The kiss happened but it was just a stupid truth and dare game, I was so angry at Carver at first but To be honest I enjoyed it.

"On Earth Amelia! You have to get ready otherwise you'll like a ghost ",Suzzie brought me out of my thoughts and handed me my toothbrush.

I did my routine and then had delicious breakfast after that my make up artist arrived everything was going too fast ,then it was time for the wedding .

As I look myself in the mirror, a voice from inside came "Who is this girl ? Are my eyes betraying me," I look unrecognisable ,and a bit nervous and excited, I think I should ran away. Finally the day have arrived, at some point in life everyone dreams of this day,and I too had, but somebody said right that "Expectations are better than reality",Who on earth would have thought that I would have to marry Carver ,but I just hope for the best and he not even that bad.He apologised me a thousand time for the kiss we shared yesterday it wasn't my first kiss but it was special, his friends wanted to make sure that he is not lying because never told his friends about our sudden marriage.

"Suzzie, what you did to my daughter", Mom said

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"Suzzie, what you did to my daughter",
Mom said

"Is she looking bad",Suzzie replied .

"No she is looking ravishing and unrecognisable", mom said.

"Oh! Amelia you looked just like your mom looked on her wedding day" dad said there was a sad expression on his face .

"Thank you dad", I whispered

Tears were about to spill out of my eyes when Suzzie warned me.

"AMELIA Don't, you know if you'll cry ,I will unable to control myself plus we will both look like devils in your wedding photos and our children will laugh seeing us."

They gave me a group hug and then dad gave me a kiss on my forehead and he used to do when I used to go for my exams.

Amelia we have something for you it was your Grandfather's wish that your husband would have to wear his ring, he said to gave it to you on your wedding day,Mom handed it to Suzzie .

Grandfather's ring was beautiful it's band was made up of platinum and there was a small diamond in between it, I miss him he always used to say will he ever Going to see me getting married .

"It's time Amelia let's go",dad said.

Walking down the aisle there was summer salts going in my stomach, Everyone stood up for me ,my favourite song was playing and the whole hall was covered with flowers shaped lights it was so beautiful, Elizabeth appeared as if she was about to cry and Carver 's eyes never left mine,dad handed my hand in his and said "Take care of my daughter",he nodded and kissed on my knuckles ,he was looking different in a good way the tux was enhancing his handsomeness ,he said something but I was too busy in admiring his handsome face that I choose to ignore it.

The priest performs the rituals, we exchange our vows and rings ,Grandfather's ring fits him prefectly like it was made for him ,it was time to seal it with kiss, once again nervousness was all over me ,but disappointment wash over me as he just gave a small peck on my lips, I can hear people cheering for us .

"Finally my dream came true",Elizabeth came running towards me and engulfed me in a hug.

And the evening passed in a blur, everything was perfect from cake cutting to our first dance and once again he apologised to me for that kiss and I forgive him.

"Amelia child congratulations", it was mine and Carver's kindergarten teacher.

"Thank you Ms Luna", I replied.

"I just can't believe child that you both really got married, it's your love story that made me believe in soulmates,you both since your childhood were eachother's strength and knight in the shining amour, I hope you both have a very happy marriage life",she said before leaving.

I thought to myself if only she knew.

"Melissa it's time to leave", Carver said

"Melissa it's time to leave", Carver said

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Finally they both got married.

Hope you Guys like the Chapter .
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Till next time .

❤❤❤❤LOTS OF LOVE ❤❤❤❤

❤❤❤❤LOTS OF LOVE ❤❤❤❤

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