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"I don't have the strength to stay away  from you anymore"~Edward Cullen

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"I don't have the strength to stay away  from you anymore"~Edward Cullen

Amelia's POV

He is here, I can't believe it, he kept his promise.

"Were you brought me honey", Anna kept acting.

"Oh! Shut up, You snake I heard everything back in the parking area when you were talking to your lover, Melissa was right,  you cheated me", Carver said.

At that movement, her face lost all its colour.

"And you bastard, how dare you kidnapped my best friend I'mnnoteerrthis", he said to Eric.

"How lucky we are today Anastasia, we will kill these two together and will get their company",  Eric said.

I found something to free myself up, as Eric was talking to Carver.

Out of nowhere, Anna took out her gun and they blocked Carver from both sides.

"So, what were you saying, Mr Anderson," Eric said.

He was about to shoot Carver when, I smashed a flower base on Eric's head, because of which his gun fell on the ground and Anna fainted drama queen.

"You b*tch" he was about to slap me when Carver punched him hard.

He was punching him continuously when the realisation hit me that if he continues Eric will die.

"Carver stop cops will go to deal with them let's leave".

"Oh shoot I forgot to call the cops", he said.


I gave him an incredulous look, but soon police sirens were heard and dad along with Uncle Rick arrived.

"Are you two alright? "dad asked with a concerned on his facewe both nodded.

After reaching home and paying a visit to a very worried Mom and Aunt Elizabeth, I just drifted off to sleep.


I did my morning routine yesterday's events played in my head, how Carver save me but why they both dated us, I just can't find out it's time to get the answers, why my family hates WILLIAMSON'S

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I did my morning routine yesterday's events played in my head, how Carver save me but why they both dated us, I just can't find out it's time to get the answers, why my family hates WILLIAMSON'S.

Mom we need to talk and it's urgent.

Good morning to you too Amelia are you alright, were are your manners, nevermind what do you want to talk about, she was in a good mood which I am going to spoil very soon.

Sorry mom,  here we go.

Mom I just wanted to know just why you hate the WILLIAMSON'S please Mom because it is the reason that he was about to kill me yesterday.

Why Amelia, I can't tell you everything but if you're insisting,  he is the reason for themy father that is your grandfather.

He is my adoptive cousin brother,  he wanted to be the heir of his company but my father chooses your dad over him that is why he sends his men to kill him at the time of the identity I was with him, unfortunately, he didn't make it and I had a miscarriage not only that he tried to harm Elizabeth and pretended to be in love with her when became friends.

"He surely wants to kill you too because you are my only child", she said.

But what is to do with Anna, Carver said leaning against the door.

You know her father also wants the company, I am sure they made a deal to that is why they are marrying their children such a filthy man he is marrying his daughter to the son of a man who killed his father, I said.

"Promise me that you won't tell Elizabeth that I told you everything", mom said, we both nodded.

We both gave mom a group hug before leaving.


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