Chapter 3: Revelations

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Part 3

Kimberly and Tommy emerged from their teleport in a strand of trees just shy of the hospital's main entrance. He dropped her elbow, shoving his hands into his back pockets, and waited for her to move. She could see his reluctance for the upcoming reunion in the posture of his body - not that she could blame him. Guilt would be eating through his conscience from his actions; guilt for failing to recognize his friends and the guilt for hurting Katherine.

Striding forward, she entered the air conditioned facility, heading for the reception desk.


She stopped just shy of it, turning to find Jason waiting for them in a nearby hallway. He beckoned them over, and she went, confident Tommy would follow at his own pace. They entered the elevator and took it upwards several floors, stopping on five. Emerging into the extended care ward, they kept to one side of the hallway and Jason led them through the maze to Katherine's hospital room.

Tommy hung back as Kimberly followed Jason in. Jason smiled at Kat, looked pointedly at Kimberly - a clear message not to tire the Pink Ranger - and then left them alone. Kimberly examined her friend.

Katherine was propped up comfortably on one of the hospital's automatic beds. One arm was fastened securely across her chest, supported by a fancily tied sling. Her head was bandaged, white strips contrasting with her blonde hair. The worst though was the collar. The neck support held her head in place, focused on the door and able to see her visitor's reactions.

Kimberly found a smile as she approached the bed. "Hey."

"Hey yourself."

"How're you feeling?"

"As well as can be expected with my neck in this vice." Kat's smile was just a touch shaky. "I'm so sorry, Kimberly."

"Sorry?" Kimberly cocked her head at her friend as she settled into the chair. It was still warm and she knew without a doubt that Jason had been keeping Kat company. "What for?"

Kat's blue eyes clouded and tears lined her lashes. "I couldn't reach him. I couldn't-"

"Stop." Kimberly placed her hand on her friend's uninjured shoulder. "Just stop right there, Kat. That you couldn't reach Tommy is not your fault."

"If we'd been able to help him to better cope with your breakup-"

"It still might not have worked." Kimberly leaned in, hugging her friend carefully. "I can't believe you demorphed!"

"I had to try." Kat clung to Kimberly fiercely. "He was so lost, Kim. I thought maybe, if he could see us - see me - without seeing the Rangers we might be able to snap him out of it."

"Kat..." Kimberly squeezed her as hard as she dared. "You took a big risk today. One that could have gotten you killed."

"Maybe it would have been better if it had."

"Don't ever say that!"

"Why not?" Kat's look was miserable. "He hasn't been the same since your letter Kim. I mean, I know why you did it, and I understand - I really do - but Tommy doesn't. He's been drifting away from us the last few months and he called me by your name just last week while we were morphed!"

Kim arched her eyebrows, her eyes shining with humor. "He called you Kim? Wow, must have had a brain crunch or something - I'm at least a foot shorter than you!"

Katherine managed a faint smile, but it didn't hold for long. "I should never have accepted the Power coin from you, Kimberly."

"But you make an awesome Ranger!"

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