Chapter 6: Katherine's Choice

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Part 6

Zordon was waiting patiently when they reappeared in the command center moments later. The look on his floating face was knowing, but he didn't say anything until they'd regained their feet and Tommy lifted his hand away. Kimberly's fingers clung to his for a moment until reluctantly dropping away. He didn't want her touch and she wasn't about to force it on him. Hiding the hurt she felt by crossing her arms over her chest, she looked up to the floating representation that had been her mentor for three years - and was about to become so again.

"I did not expect you to return with Tommy, Kimberly."

"There's been a slight change of plans, Zordon. Something we have to run by you before he takes me home."

"You have resolved your differences then?"

"Not exactly." Her admission was quiet. "But we've come to an understanding for the moment. We've come to talk with you about Katherine."

"The situation is regrettable, she will, however recover."

"That's not what she means and you know it, Zordon." Tommy stepped up next to Kim. "Kat told us she was going to surrender the pink power coin back to you - and that you planned to retire it because of me."

"Katherine and I have discussed the issue at length, Tommy, and decided it is in your best interest and the interest of the Power Rangers, that the Pink Ranger should retire for a time."

"But we need the Pink Ranger, Zordon. Without her we can't pilot the Megazord."

"It will be difficult, yes, but not impossible. You have adapted to other obstacles in the past and I have faith that you and the Rangers will all adapt to this one."

"Does this mean you're going to let Tommy remain as the Red Ranger?"

"Have you completed your discussion?"

Tommy and Kimberly shared a look. Tommy arched his eyebrows in silent query. Kimberly smiled faintly. "Not completely, Zordon, but what needed to be said has been said. This isn't a problem that's going to be fixed by one little talk."

"I was more concerned with starting both of you down the path. Seeing as how you have met my condition, Tommy may resume his duties as the Red Zeo Ranger."


Kimberly grinned at his enthusiastic reply. She was happy for him; being a Ranger meant more than anything else in his life and drove him to be more than he was. "Zordon?"

"Yes Kimberly."

"Tommy and I talked about one other thing - something you need to know about."

"I am listening."

Tommy's smile faded a little as he realized what topic she was about to broach. It was a sensitive one and one that Zordon would likely resist. He sidled closer to her, offering unspoken support in a fashion that seemed as natural as breathing. It was an action Kimberly was sure he hadn't thought about but she was grateful for it. Dealing with Tommy, and now Zordon, was testing the limits of her courage.

"Katherine told me before I spoke with Tommy that she wants to return home and surrender the Pink Ranger powers. However, she doesn't want to have them retired because all of the Rangers are needed, even the Pink one."

"Some would say especially the Pink one," Tommy's soft murmur almost broke her concentration. Had he realized he'd said it or was it a deliberate ploy to make her falter? She didn't know, but she filed the information away for another place and time - she'd have to ask him about it later. She turned her full attention back to the Ranger's mentor.

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