Chapter 14: Pink Ranger's Return

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Part 14

Kimberly and Katherine kept in touch over the next week and through the weekend. Katherine kept her up to date on her progress, and her delight at having been released from the hospital. The casts and braces had come off; though the former Pink Ranger had been cautioned to take it easy and not risk sever shocks or trauma to the areas. Ecstatic and willing to agree to almost anything for the freedom, Katherine had acquiesced to several checkups with the doctor a week and returned to school as well as hanging around with the gang.

In subsequent conversations, Kimberly learned that there were several topics the Rangers spoke of daily. A perverse sense of humor allowed her to find it entertaining when Katherine reported that Kimberly's return was one of the things they discussed the most. Tommy, surprisingly, stood up for her more than Jason or Katherine did. Not that Kimberly ever heard any of the discussions or saw i in his attitude towards her, but Katherine was adamant that Tommy appeared to finally be healing and moving through the pain that had crippled him for so long.

Katherine was cautiously optimistic for his recovery and cautioned Kimberly that his recovery would likely be tested once she was called to battle once again. Since the last encounter, things had been quiet again. So quiet in fact that the Rangers were starting to suspect that something momentous had happened - they just didn't know what yet.

Jason, according to Katherine, felt that the Machine Empire might be once again trying to usurp the Gold Rangers Powers. Katherine, for her part, felt they'd simply been caught off guard by the Pink Rangers disappearance. Hence, they were regrouping.

Between calling Angel Grove, practice and her studies, Kimberly found herself happier than she had been in a long time. She'd reconnected with friends and while none but Katherine seemed willing to talk for long, both Rocky and Adam had written her - had their letters go 'missing' once more, and finally believed her when she'd called to tell them she hadn't gotten their messages.

Tommy was still pushing for a confrontation with her coach, but Kimberly had adamantly vetoed that suggestion once more. The Rangers couldn't get involved; she would handle the man who'd lured her away from her friends and then forced a painful separation. Only she'd do it in her own way, in her own time.

Her last discussion with Katherine just the day before had been exciting. Katherine had told her that they were doing a whodunit party at the home of Detective Stone, one of the local law enforcement's detectives. Bulk and Skull were also participating, but each of the Rangers had been asked to come. Katherine had gushed about it, thrilled with the invite and the chance to play sleuth. Plus, they got to dress up and she was looking forward, she admitted in an aside to Kimberly, to seeing what Jason would wear.

With just eight days to the Pan Globals, barely over a week, and Kimberly was practicing her floor routine under the watchful eye of the trainers and her coach - and several other girls who wouldn't be competing this time around - when her communicator beeped. She was caught mid flip, the sound echoing through the gym as her hands came down on reflex and pushed off, sending her tumbling backwards.

Surprise quickly gave way to cold calculation. How to explain the noise, if she should, what excuse could she give that would be bought and how long could she leave without drawing more suspicion. She finished the run, dropping into the splits as her communicator beeped again, managing to keep her smile from faltering. She pushed herself to her feet, keeping her movements as natural as possible with the adrenaline beginning to race through her system.

"Kimberly, what is that noise?"

She managed a smile and held up her communicator; thankfully, it looked like a watch from the distance her coach would see it. "My alarm. I need to hit the showers early tonight. Is that alright?"

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