Chapter 4: Confrontation

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Part 4

Tommy exited Katherine's room subdued and pensive, barely sparing Jason or Kimberly a look. They fell into step behind him as he headed for the elevators. He hit the call button, seeming to be wrestling with something in his thoughts before finally turning to look at them. "Ready, Kim?"

She nodded. Jason hugged her, which she returned.

"Don't kill each other."

"We'll try not to."

"Good." Jason extended his hand to Tommy. "I'm going to hang here with Kat and keep her company. Just call if you guys need anything, okay?"


The men shook hands as the elevator arrived on the floor. Jason left to rejoin Kat as Tommy and Kimberly stepped into the crowded elevator. Several interns were inside, forcing them against one wall. Kimberly was pressed up against him as the elevator stopped on the next floor to allow two more people to get on. Tommy's hands settled on her hips to steady her as he shifted, easing the crunch around her.

Kimberly almost smiled - she was pretty sure the gesture was unconscious - at the courtesy she showed her. She couldn't though - just the feel of his hands, of the way he sheltered her with the barest of touches, had sent her pulse hammering a mile a minute. It made hope blossom in her chest when she had no right to hope for anything. But she couldn't stop it. Instead she stood stiffly, doing her best not to end up squished against him like a sardine.

The elevator ride was mercifully short with everyone filing off on the main floor. Having been pushed to the back, they were the last ones off, and Tommy dropped his hands the second she had room to move. She was partially grateful, but found the greater part of her wishing he wanted to touch her like he'd once wanted to.

Katherine's comments led her to believe that Tommy had tried to move beyond their break, but events hadn't permitted him time to heal. With Rita and now the Machine Empire after him, she couldn't say she was really surprised. A part of her was even wondering if she'd done him any favors by returning his memory.

Wouldn't it have been easier to simply allow him to continue thinking he was King and not get involved? Easier for Tommy perhaps, but deadly for the rest of her friends and the world. No matter how much she might have wanted to leave him like that, to give him the chance to build a completely new him, the time and the premise had been wrong. Tommy had never been an evil person - their enemies had simply tried to warp him. Eventually he would likely have regained his memories and been crippled by guilt.

No; things were better now even if they were harder.

They exited the hospital without a word and stopped on the sidewalk out front. "Where to, Kim?"

She shrugged. "Some place private - where we won't get interrupted or overheard."

"You have a lot to say to me then?"

Boy did she ever - she just didn't know if he wanted to hear it. "I have some things to say which are better kept between us."

He stared at her intensely, as if trying to read her mind. She stared right back, waiting. The choice of venue was up to him; she wanted him as comfortable as he could be for this. He didn't seem inclined to be forth coming with a location though.

She ventured an option. "How about your uncle's cabin?"

He blinked. "I'd rather not have you there."

"Then where, Tommy? The lake? Do you want everyone and their dog eavesdropping on our personal matters?"

"I was thinking the command center."

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