Chapter 20: Pan Globals

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Part 20

Kimberly was released the following morning - but only after she'd spoken with local law enforcement and the terrorism task force unit - with a clean bill of health and a stern admonition to take it easy. She'd promised to do no more than was necessary - not exactly a lie - and headed back to the dorm in Ali's company. Ali had been talkative, filling the silence with jabber about their team mates, three of the seven who'd chosen to forego Pan Gloabls in the interest of returning home to salvage relationships or spend time with family due to revelations in the items found in coach's office. Ali herself was heading back to Nebraska to pursue an opportunity their coach had tried to hide from her.

Fortunately, Ali's letter had been dated the week before and she had time to capitalize on it.

Ali helped Kimberly pack the last of her belongings, insisting on carrying a third duffle bag that contained all of the items found belonging to Kimberly in their coach's office. There were more than she'd expected and more than just the one parcel Ali had mentioned. Kimberly had been dismayed and appalled at the extent of the items and regretted not having the time to delve into the treasure trove. Certain parcels were marked as Christmas items from her parents and friends, others were cards or letters. There were a couple of items she'd ordered and never had record of receiving, even though the company had sworn it had been delivered. A twinge of guilt had assailed her for demanding refunds - and getting them - now that she saw the items had indeed been delivered.

But there was little she could do now and she refused to dwell over it as she said her goodbyes to Ali. They'd traded addresses, promising to write, and Kimberly had persuaded Ali to come and visit once things settled down and they'd both assimilated back into their lives. She'd promised to do the same once she'd finished her first semester of college.

The flight to the competition - taking place in St. Louis - was uneventful. A baggage clerk at the airport helped her check her bags and then collect them once she arrived, someone having mentioned to the airline about her injury. Be it Tommy, her mother or Ali, Kimberly was grateful for the assistance. She was tender and two bags would have been hard enough to manage on her own - three was out of the question.

She'd caught a cab from the airport which had taken her and the other three girls who were still competing to the dorm in which the athletes were being housed for the competition. The rooms were small, sleeping two to a room, but adequate and comfortable for their use. Kimberly found the hot tub that afternoon before the opening ceremony, glad there were no practices and no need to do more than walk and wave as they were introduced. Coach had given them an idea for a rather spectacular entrance but she and the other girls had decided to forego it and not make a spectacle of themselves.

Opening ceremonies completed, they'd returned to the dorm and Kimberly had gone immediately to the phone. She hadn't yet had a chance to talk to her mother and took the opportunity to do so.

The conversation hadn't gone well.

Mrs. Hart had been appalled at her insistence on competing and demanded to know why Kimberly had been walking with the other athletes in the opening ceremonies when she'd just risen from her sick bed. The way her mother talked, Kimberly was given the impression that she'd mentally escalated her injury and the circumstances it had been obtained in by a hundred fold. Reassuring her mother was a task that took the remainder of her energy, so much so that - once she hung up - she didn't even try to call the hotel where Tommy had told her he'd be staying. She simply crawled into bed and slept.

The following morning was an exhibition of talent and Kimberly had politely withdrawn her name from that particular section with the explanation of her recent injury and the desire to save her energy for the real competition. The judges had conferred and granted her decision.

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