Chapter 8: Tanya's Welcome

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Part 8

Kimberly was late to practice that morning, suffered silently through "The Speech" her coach gave to every girl who was ever late, and then began her routine. The day dragged as Kimberly's focus was elsewhere, mostly on the dream she'd had the night before and what it meant - if anything - and the upcoming meeting that night with the other Rangers.

She was nervous; they had a new Yellow Ranger and one she didn't know. Rocky and Adam hadn't been conscious when she'd arrived in the arena to try and reach Tommy and Kat wouldn't be there to back her up - she'd still be in the hospital. The only allies - ally really - she could count on was Jason. Tommy was a mystery. He'd backed her up to Zordon, but would he back her up to the other Rangers? She hoped so - she was going to need his help to become a part of the group again.

Those thoughts made her make mistakes, distracting her and drawing the ire of her coach. Finally, fed up with her inattentiveness, her coach banished her to the showers for the remainder of the day. She went, reluctantly, but knew she'd have to come back later. Taking the time to eat, she returned an hour before they closed the gym for the night and practically begged her coach to let her practice. She promised to be careful and apologized profusely for her lack of attentiveness. Then she did something she hadn't done since before she'd come to Florida; she lied to his face.

She told him she'd received some unconfirmed news about a friend of hers having been hurt in a horrific accident and that was why her focus was off. Coach, a sucker for an accident story, was sympathetic but urged her to regain her focus as quickly as possible, confirming the story at whatever cost so she could resume her training. She promised to do so as soon as she returned to the dorm - and with his permission to make a long distance phone call - she was left to her own devices.

The doors had no sooner closed behind him, leaving her alone in the gym as was her nightly habit, then her communicator went off - talk about timing. "Kimberly here."

"Kim, are you free?"

She smiled at the sound of Jason's voice. "I'm ready if you guys are. How's Kat?"

"Disappointed she can't come; she seems to think the Rangers are going to try and eat you alive."

She laughed, but knew the sound was hollow. She was as nervous about the upcoming meeting as Kat was. "She's not the only one. Is everyone gathered?"

"Ready and waiting. Oh, and Zordon says to come in uniform - I think he's developed a flare for the dramatic."

Kimberly rolled her eyes. Zordon did so love his surprises. "Alright, on my way." She clicked the communicator off. Doing a double check to ensure she really was alone, she activated her morpher. "It's Morphin time! Zeo Ranger One - Pink!"

The energy flared around her, surging through her system like a drug as it rushed to her extremities and transformed her into the Pink Zeo Ranger for the first time. She almost screamed at the rush, the power sliding through her system like a bullet train after such a long absence. The transformation was over in seconds, but seemed to drag for long seconds as the power shifted through her and completed the transformation.

She stretched once inside the suit, flinging her hands towards the ceiling and bending backwards. She grinned, even though no one could see it. The suit was as formfitting as she remembered and responded to her movements like a second skin. She'd have no problem doing her gymnastics in this particular outfit. She straightened, taking a deep breath to gather her focus. The Zeo Ranger powers were at her finger tips, promising the power to do as she liked and to defeat the evils that stalked their world. Not to mention teleport her to the important meeting with the other Rangers.

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